Family Engagement in Learning

Bridget O'Connor - Family Engagement Leader

The beauty of family engagement in learning is that you don’t need to be an expert in the topics your child is covering at school. The way you ask, discuss, question and reflect with your child on their learning opens the doors between home and school, and it allows your child to see that you value their education and consider it extremely important.


As a school we have transitioned to using Seesaw from Prep-Year 6. This is an easy and effective way for you to see snapshots of what your child is doing in real time, and it is a way for you to discuss and ask questions at home about what they are working towards. It would be fantastic if you could let your child know that you saw a Seesaw post and follow up with some questions on the topic that was posted. 


The key is to use open ended questions that enable your child to reflect on the highs and lows of learning. Instead of asking "What did you learn/do at school today?" try these questions:


  • What’s a question that you asked your teacher today?
  • I saw that this was posted on Seesaw today, can you tell me more about this subject/activity?
  • If you made a mistake in class today, what will you do differently tomorrow?
  • What about today makes you excited to learn more tomorrow?
  • What is one small thing that you learnt today that you didn’t already know?


If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback on how you are finding Seesaw please contact me on


Please also save the date for our Multicultural night on Thursday the 23rd of March. It will be fantastic to come together as a community to share food and connect with each other. 



Kind Regards, 

Bridget O'Connor

Family Engagement Leader