Student Learning

Annabelle Marinelli - Deputy Principal & Learning and Teaching Leader

My School- NAPLAN results

On Wednesday this week (22/2) 'My School' released the NAPLAN Data for the general public to view. For those of you who aren't familiar with 'My School', it is a website which is available to the public, which annually releases every school's profile/background information, as well as every school's latest NAPLAN Data.


As we all know, there is much more to a school than just its NAPLAN data, however this year we are extremely proud that we have achieved some amazing resluts in all areas of Literacy and Numeracy. 


In Year 3, we proudly sit  WITHIN the expected range  for Reading, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation, Writing and Numeracy, when compared to similar schools/students and all Australian students.


In Year 5, we sit  WELL ABOVE the range  for Reading, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation, Writing and Numeracy, when compared to similar schools/students and all Australian students.


Here is a link to the My School's website and a snapshot of how we performed:












As a school we have analysed the NAPLAN data in detail and now look forward to working towards improving our already great results. Throughout 2023 the focus in our Annual Action Plan will continue to be on Numeracy and Reading across the school. We pride ourselves on knowing our students and their learning needs, and identifying what they already know, and we will continue to work hard on explicitly teaching what they need to learn next at their point of need.

Writing Club

This year Writing Club will take place on a Wednesday at Snack time in the Mezzanine. We have two very talented writers - Vihaan and Douglas who will be leading our Writing Club this year. Here is some news from them:


On Wednesday at Snack time, there will be a Writing Club in the mezzanine run by Mrs Marinelli. It will be for Year 5's and Year 6’s. You can join for half of your snack time or for the whole of snack time. 

The topic will be 'Inspire' and we will use this as we work toward this years Shared Stories Anthology. 

We will also get the opportunity to attend the Writers Festival which will be a very fun experience for everybody who joins. The Writers Festival will be on the 3rd of May. There will be 5 authors there: Lev Grossman creator of Magical Planet, Sofie Laguna and Marc McBride creators of Let’s Stick together, Zana Fraillon creator of It’s About Time and Brenton McKenna creator of Heroes, Monsters and Me. 

The Writing Festival takes place at the State Library.

For more info click here. Primary School Program - Melbourne Writers Festival.


Thank you,

Vihaan and Douglas









Writing in the Prep classroom

What a great start we are having in Prep, with students engaged in writing every day! It's so great to see Ms Caitlin providing rich literature experiences and then providing opportunities for students to respond to the text through writing. The students are learning to hold their pencils, write their name using upper and lower case letters, form letters correctly, use dotted thirds, trace letters and words and begin to write sentences with capital letters. At first, this can be an overwhelming and daunting experience for some students, but with support, and lots of praise and encouragement, and opportunities to share their writing with the class, the students begin to experinces success, develop confidence and learn very quickly that they are real writers! Here are some pictures of the students in Prep CM enjoying responding to the text 'What's in the lake?' by making predictions through writing:

Learning Events/Opportunities in Term 1

  • Prep Testing (Week 4 - Wednesday 22/2)
  • NAPLAN - Year 3 and 5 (Week 7, 8 & 9)
  • Learning Expo (Week 10 -  Wednesday 5/4)
  • Harmony Week - Multicultural Night (Week 8 - Thursday 23/3)
  • Trinity School Fete - (Week 9 - Saturday 1/4)
  • Parent Helper Workshop (Term 2)


Kind Regards, 


Annabelle Marinelli 

Deputy Principal - Learning & Teaching Leader