Faith Education

Mr Ru Lameijn - Deputy Principal & Religious Education Leader

Ash Wednesday Mass

Thank you to all the students, families and staff who attended the Ash-Wednesday Mass on Wednesday. It was a lovely Mass and the students showed reverence as well as joy. 


Ash Wednesday is the start of our Lenten Journey. During Lent we focus on Almsgiving and prayer as Father Trung mentioned during the Mass. We raise money for CARITAS and read the stories, such as Thu's story, which can be found here. Your child and their teacher will tell you more about this. 


Heavenly Father, 

during this time of reflection we remember how you lived. 

You showed us how to resist temptation during your time in the desert, 

and through the life you led here on earth. 

As this Lent season begins, remind me that we are but dust. 

We can do nothing without you. 

Help us to see the world through the eyes of those in the first Lent season, 

who awaited a Savior and awaited new life through you. 

Thank you for your sacrifice on the cross, 

and help me to pray, reflect, and thank you. 



Kinds Regards, 


Ru Lameijn (

Deputy Principal - Religious Education Leader