Sports Update 

Vermont Secondary College



On the 15th of February, Vermont hosted its annual swimming carnival. A day full of competitive fun and swimming races took place to win the Vermont Secondary College swimming house cup. 

Races on the day included freestyle, backstroke, butterfly and the school favourite: the relays. The ultimate highlight of the day was the teacher vs Year 12 relay! A special shoutout to Miss Mac, Mr Pinder, Miss U and Mr Leithead, who represented the staff but sadly got defeated by the Year 12’s. 

The whole day was spent earning points for your house; the winning team coming in 1st place by a landslide! 

At the end of the day the results were revealed: 3rd place going to Macedon on 750 points, 2nd place going to Hotham on 783 and the big 1st place going to Stirling on 1268!!!! 

A big congratulations to everyone who competed on this day and thank you very much to all of the staff and students who helped to organise this day. 

Mackenzie and Sunny 10ENSP101.  


Congratulations to our age group champions from the day: 

U13 Dana N & Arjun C 

U14 Abigail S & Zachary W 

U15 Ella I & Aden A 

U16 Annika T & Alfred Z 

U17 Cherise N & Adam B 

U20 Mackenzie E & Josh C 


Division Swimming will be held on Monday March 6th at Oakleigh Recreation Centre. 




















Due to last Friday’s heat some of our round robin events have been rescheduled for next week . Rescheduled dates are available at the end of this report. We were fortunate enough to be able to send two high calibre teams to volleyball! 



The A team, led by captain Usman, showed a high level of skill and match tactics across the day. Unfortunately, the results don’t represent the high level of Volleyball that was played, with most sets being within 2-3 points. The enthusiasm for the sport was great to see, and the boys should hold their heads high knowing they did an excellent job! 

The B team, led by our Captain Archie, worked hard all day, with 2-1 win/loss which saw them into the finals. After a loss to Glen Waverley, they met again in the finals to win in 3 sets with a big come back in the 2nd set. Great efforts to the boys today and looking forward to seeing them progress further in Volleyball as they reach the senior school! 




Last Friday, both A & B squads from Intermediate Girls Volleyball teams travelled to Mullum Mullum stadium to compete in the first round of the Inter-school round robin.  

Both teams made it through to compete in the final's series of the day. Both Girls and Boys B teams won their finals while the A team lost by one match in a best of 3 rally.  

We thank those students involved who showed great qualities and strength of character both on and off the court throughout the day. Special mention to Katrina Y, who captained the Girls A squad, showing great leadership and a consistent supportive and encouraging spirit throughout the entire event. We hope all the girls try out again next year! 


Upcoming events: 

TBC Waverley Division Intermediate Cricket reschedule 

28/2 Waverley Division Intermediate Tennis reschedule 

1/3 Waverley Division Senior Round Robin 

2/3 Waverley Division Intermediate Softball and Baseball reschedule 

6/3 Waverley Division Swimming – Oakleigh Recreation Centre (students must qualify) 

9/3 Waverley Division Year 7 Round Robin 

17/3 VSC Athletics Carnival – Bill Sewart Athletics Track (whole school event) 

21/3 Waverley Division Year 8 Round Robin 

29/3 VSC Cross Country – Bellbird Dell (self-nominated students)