Year 7 News  

Vermont Secondary College

Year 7 Student Managers Report


Year 7 has had another busy couple of weeks! 

The students are settling into the secondary school routine very well, as we progress through this busy term.

Thank you to the outstanding number of parents who attended our Parent Information night! We had a full house, and we found it to be a fantastic opportunity to meet the supportive parents of our Year 7 students.

On February 15th we attended our Vermont House Swimming Carnival! 

Well done to students in Stirling House who contributed a high number of participants to secure the win. Students had a very fun day out, and we were very impressed with the high level of participation across the year level.


Year 7 sport teams have been undergoing tryouts and training for the upcoming Year 7 inter-school carnival (on March 9th). It’s great to see so many students keen to get involved in sports this term! 

Term 1 sports include: Tennis, Cricket, Volleyball and Softball/Baseball. Students are encouraged to see their coach or the sports office if they have questions about school sports.


Looking ahead:

Friday 24th February - Year 7 Picnic (5-7pm)

We are looking forward to seeing students and their family at the Year 7 Picnic this Friday!

Week 5 - CAMP WEEK

We are off to Marysville for Year 7 camp in Week 5! We are all very excited about making new friends and trying out lots of new activities!


Ms Eccles, Ms Nettleship and Mr Malpeli