News from the General Office 

Vermont Secondary College

Early Departures from school


Students are required to be at school from 8.40am – 3.10pm each weekday. 

We understand that on occasions students may be required to leave early. If this is the case, parents are asked to ensure the note, giving permission to leave early, is on Compass first thing in the morning and the student is aware of the early departure time and subsequent arrangements. 

When the time comes for the student to leave the teacher can see there is permission in compass and can release the student from class. 

The student comes to the office to sign out on the Compass Kiosk and then goes to meet their parent as arranged. 

If this process is followed the parent does not need to come into the Office at all.


If there is no note in Compass prior to the required departure time the teacher will not release the student from class. 

The only way then for the student to be collected is for the parent to come into the office, still putting the note onto compass themselves, and an office staff member physically going to collect the student from class. This is not the preferred process.


Adding early departure note on Compass is done the same way as an attendance note and simply adjusting the time of the absence.


Parents are asked to avoid early departures of students as much as possible.

If a student is Sick

If a student is not well in class, they need to advise the teacher. The teacher will release the student to go to Sick Bay. 

We have trained professional staff in Sick Bay who will care for your student and determine if a parent needs to be contacted and/or the student needs to be collected from school.




If a student is to be collected from Sick Bay then the parent will be required to come to the Sick Bay. 

Sick Bay staff will sign the student out on Compass, parents do not need to.


Student Data Update

The Department of Education requires all Government Schools to update student records once each year. 

We do that by sending you an email with an attachment of the student details. 

The email is titled Please review the attached Student Enrolment Information for 2023 and has been sent by on 20 February 2023. 

If it is not in your inbox, it may be in your junk/spam. 

Please have a look at the attachments. 

We only need information if it has changed from what was sent to you. You can: · email the changes to

If you have not received it at all, please contact Kerry in the General Office.

  • · print the attachment, mark any changes, and ask your student drop it into the Office
  • · print the attachment, mark any changes, scan it and email it to