Vermont Secondary College




Our first meeting for 2023 will be held:

TUESDAY 28th February, 2023 at 7pm in the College Staff Room.

Entry is via the main reception door – the staffroom is on the left.




We are actively seeking helpers for our events/activities in 2023. As the saying goes – “Many hands make light work”.

We understand that life is busy, so even if you are only able to offer your assistance for one event a year for a couple of hours, your help is always appreciated.


If you are interested in being on our “Helpers” list, but you’re unable to attend our meetings, then please email Bec Mitchell (Secretary) on VSCCA@vermontsc.vic.edu.au with the Subject Line “Helpers List”. Prior to each event/activity, an email will be sent out seeking available volunteers to assist.



Please mark your diaries for our AGM to be held on Wednesday 22nd March at 7pm. More details will be in the next newsletter – all parents/carers are welcome to attend.



The VSCCA is the social, networking and fundraising arm of the College, consisting of parents keen to be involved with how their child is being educated. By getting involved, we get to hear first-hand the (co-curricular and extra-curricular) initiatives being implemented by the College and how they may affect our children. By being a part of the Community Association, we also get the opportunity to influence the initiatives being implemented by the College.


During the year we organise and help to run a number of social and fundraising activities. The benefits are threefold. One, we help raise valuable funds for the College to buy additional equipment for the students, not covered by the Department of Education grants. Second, parent interest and involvement in the College sends a very powerful message of support to students and staff and third, this is an excellent way of meeting new friends whilst seeing your efforts rewarded by an improved school environment.


We actively encourage all parents/guardians to become involved in the VSCCA during 2023. All parents, whether “new” or “old” are warmly welcome to assist us – we really value, appreciate and want your practical support. New Year 7 parents who have been actively involved in primary school are urged to maintain support for your child by bringing your experience and energies across to Vermont Secondary College – we need your support!


If this is what you are looking for to help you keep involved with your child’s education, please drop in for the next meeting. If you cannot attend the meeting but want to be involved, please leave your contact details at the College Front Office or email Bec Mitchell (Secretary) on VSCCA@vermontsc.vic.edu.au The meetings and events provide a great opportunity to meet other parents, and also members of the College leadership team.


VSC Community Association Meetings for 2023 Wednesday, 7:00pm in the College Staff Room (TUESDAY) 28th February 22nd March 17th May 21st June 19th July 16th August 18th October 22nd November 13th December Please mark these dates in your diary