Fabulous Foundation 

Fabulous Foundation

Term 1 Week 4 - Friday 24th February 2023

We cannot believe it is the end of week 4! Time has certainly flown. The Preps are settling in very well and learning the routines and expectations of being in Primary School. They are making new friends between both classes and last Friday we enjoyed a lunch picnic with the grade 5 and 6’s which created much excitement across the prep cohort!

We are having regular discussions with the Preps about playing outside at recess and lunch times and who they can go to if they need help - yard duty teachers outside who are wearing the orange or yellow vests. We are also encouraging all Preps to play with their own cohort of friends. This is to help establish friendships and build social skills within the year level. 


What we are learning:

Phonics (Little Learners Love Literacy)

Our Little Learners Love Literacy program is going extremely well. Preps are enjoying the routines of the program and rainbow writing is a stand out activity each week!  We have covered the sounds m s and  f. Ask your child what sound they’re learning this week and what was in the sound box? This is a great way to begin conversations about their day at school! If they can’t remember please ask a Prep staff member!


We are continuing to focus on using the correct pencil grip and posture when writing. Writing sessions are when students use their ‘magic writing finger’, chalk, etc to proactive their letter formations. It is great to see just in a few short weeks how many have improved in writing their names. 


We continue to have a weekly mentor text in reading.  We read this text each day exploring different parts of the text. We have been adding various words to our word wall each week and students have been using these words to create their own sentences. We have also been learning about syllables and clapping our syllables in our names and words from our word wall. As always we use prediction to have a guess about what the story will be about and ask questions about the text before, during and after it to support their comprehension. 


We have had much fun focusing on the number zero/0!  We learnt that zero is not ‘nothing’ but it is also used to make 10, 20 and so on. This is the foundation for beginning place value.  All students created their own “zero the hero” superheroes in class!


Students have made their family trees. They look super cute and are proudly displayed outside Miss Cohen’s classroom. We all talked about our own families and how many are big and many are small. We’ve explored how we can look like other members in our family and have talked about how we get together to celebrate with our families. It was wonderful to hear students share their own family celebrations with their class. 


Leader In Me:

We have been busy creating our WIGS - ‘Wildly Important Goals.’ The students have each completed a personal and an academic goal and we have also made a class mission statement and a class WIG. We check in with our goals regularly and see if we are on track for achieving our goals. 


Specialist Days:

Monday - Health

Tuesday - Art/Culture & Music

Thursday - Art/Culture & PE

Friday - Auslan


Important reminders

*Please ensure that your child has a substantial lunch such as a sandwich/roll/wrap or thermos for example for lunch along with a snack (cracker/yoghurt etc) and fruit or vegetables. We stop 3 times to eat - Fruit break, Morning tea/Recess & Lunch

*Hats need to be worn for every lunch and recess outside play, if your child does not have a hat they know they need to stay under the undercover shelter outside. *Please be sure to put on sunscreen each morning before arriving at school. 

*Daily we have a fruit break, we kindly ask that you please pack your child a piece of fruit or a vegetable to snack on during this time. 

*Please have your child’s drink bottle filled with water only.

Foundation Photos