What's Happening in Semester 2?
We have some new (or continuing) staff working in Torrens throughout Term 3 and possibly into Term 4.
Aleksia has been full-time in T19 while Natalie Brook has been Acting Deputy Principal for weeks 2-4. Aleksia Stancevic will continue to work in T19 for the rest of the term on Monday to Wednesday while Natalie Brook is working as the Assistant Principal. Kylie Roberts has been in T18 Monday - Wednesday while Trent Clayton has been Acting Assistant Principal.
Voula Pagonis will be teaching in T16 on Tuesday for the first half of Term 3 while Ms Lang is on leave.
We also welcome back Sofia Andreucci from her fantastic overseas holiday.
Camp to Arbury Park
Dates: 9-13 Sept 2019
As you are aware, the Torrens camp to Arbury Park is fast approaching. Camp is an amazing experience for students. They will be involved in many, varied activities throughout the two days based on building self esteem / confidence, independence, problem solving and group skills. Some activities include shelter building, team challenges and camp cooking.
Please make sure you return all notes promptly so that we can finalise the organisation and complete all paperwork in the required time.
Parents who will be attending will be notified as soon as we know final numbers.
Dates: 3-6 Sept 2019
Students will be participating in swimming lessons in Week 7 of Term 3. These lessons will be at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre, North Adelaide. Information and invoices were distributed in week 3.
Book Week
Theme: Reading is My Secret Power
Dates: 16 - 23 August 2019
The annual LNPS Book Week Parade will be held in the Gym on Monday 19th August from 9:00am. We encourage all students to dress up as their favourite book characters for the parade to celebrate stories and the joy of reading. We would love to see some creative costumes that are connected to books or the theme Reading is My Secret Power.
Science Week
Theme: Destination Moon: more missions, more science
National Science Week is 10-18 August 2019. Many students and their families take advantage of the numerous activities currently staged in the community eg Science Alive! Later in the term, we will showcase our Science learning across the school with a special assembly Thursday of Week 9, group activities and pop-up information booths and exhibitions. More information will shared in the LNPS iNewsletter closer to the events.
Students should not be arriving at school prior to 8:30am when Yard Duty begins. For the safety of all students we ask that parents make arrangements so that children are not left unsupervised in the school yard.
The school provides a before school care service to ensure that all students are supervised appropriately before 8:30am. Please contact the OHSC on 84435308 to arrange enrolment.
If there is an occasion when students arrive close to, but before 8:30am, it is expected that they wait on the seats next to the flag poles at the front of the school.
Torrens classroom doors will be opened at 8:40am allowing students to sign in on their teacher's computers and organise themselves for the day. If students arrive after 8:50am, they will be marked as late. If students do arrive late, they need to sign in at the front office before coming to class. As mornings are busy times for staff, families are politely asked to make an appointment through emails for more in-depth discussions. But please feel free to drop in and say a quick hello!
Developing independence is a major focus for the students in Torrens. Therefore we encourage them to take responsibility and organise themselves.
All students have a diary to assist them with organisation, record homework and allow for communication between home and school.
Parents can also communicate via email. All absences must be explained.
Torrens Staff
Learner Support
Specialist staff
Physical Education: