Specialist Subjects

Auslan, Music, Physical Education and Visual Arts.



We have been learning to ask questions.


We now know that when we sign a question it is not the same as in English.


 We have the subject at the start and the question at the end.


For example:


My name what? __  or Me, who? ___

Me, how old? _

My birthday, when? 08 O-C-T, 2-0-1-2

My family, who? 

My favourite colour, what? ___  





You might have heard that it's prac week in the art room, and yes you would be right. Over the past 2 weeks students have been applying their new skills in the area of colour, collage, cubism , still life and artist studies to complete their first, second and in some cases third work of the term so far. 


Next week our grade 5's will take on thier very first art brief, this will allow students to drive the focal image of the artwork and gives opportunity to individualised work. 


Check out some of what has been happening in the art room this week.

Year 3/4 cubism
Year 5 medium skills
Prep color investigation
Year 5 still life prac
Keith Haring study
Year 3/4 cubism
Year 5 medium skills
Prep color investigation
Year 5 still life prac
Keith Haring study


Students in Grade 4-6 have been introduced to our 2023 EPS Production topic (more to come on this soon, parents and families!) and have continued our instrument taste testers, learning the fundamentals of guitar and bass. 

The Grade 1/2 students have been learning about bars of music and how to use their fingers to make different notes on the ukulele. 

Prep students are learning about beat and reading basic rhythm notation, as well as exploring dances and music from around the world. 


It's been another busy few weeks in PE. 

Our grade 3-6 students finished their swimming lessons at Gurri Wanyarra. Our students practised fundamental water safety and had lots of fun in the water park on the final day. 

The grade preps have been busy getting familiar with some new equipment and our grade 1-2's have been focusing on their throwing and catching skills. 

We had several 3-6 students compete in the Division Swimming Championships last week. Ayla Bickerdike, Elsie McKinnon, Ayden Bowes and Cody Schepisi competed in individual events and Millie McDonald and Ruby Mansbridge combined with Ayla and Els to complete in an under 11 girls relay team. Congratulations to all six of you! 😊

On Thursday, March 9th, some grade 5/6 students competed in the Division Volleyball competition at the Red Energy Arena. Our grade 5/6 girls team competed hard with the help of ex-gun volleyballer (and mum) Michelle McKinnon and recorded a win against MEC. Our grade 6 boys team had some very close and frustrating losses and also managed one huge win against East Loddon. Well done to everyone involved :)