
Parents as Partners to tackle Cyber Safety at home

This Newsletter we will be exploring what to do if your child is experiencing cyberbullying. The information included this month comes directly from 

What does cyberbullying look like?

  • hurtful messages, comments or images
  • messages, posts or comments that say someone will do something mean
  • leaving you out or ignoring you online 
  • spreading lies about you online
  • creating fake online profiles in someone’s name to trick you
  • sharing something online that can hurt you or make you feel bad, like a picture you don’t want anyone to see
  • threatening to share something online that will hurt you or make you feel bad
  • making you feel very sad, very scared or very upset


  • no one deserves to be hurt online
  • be kind to yourself — it’s not your fault
  • cyberbullying can make you feel very alone and scared, but there is help available

What to do

Get help from a trusted adult — or call Kids Helpline 

Get help from the police if you are in immediate serious danger. 

Try not to say anything back — it could make things worse.  

Keep evidence — an adult can help you take screenshots or keep a journal in case you need evidence to report it. See our videos on how to take screenshots

Block or report them — most games and apps have a way to block or report someone. See The eSafety Guide for links. 

Report to eSafety — you can report cyberbullying to us. We can help to remove bullying content and get you help and support.