Principal's Message

Welcome to Term 1, 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,


It has been a busy month with extra activities occurring in the school. 


School Photos

On Friday 17th March, MSP Photography will be assisting us with our school photos. All students in the school will have an individual photo and class photo taken and parents are invited to purchase these photos by returning the individualised envelope with cash before photo day or by placing an order through the MSP website  


School Review

On Monday, our school review concluded with the development of a new strategic plan. The review team remarked on the calm learning environment and commended the staff on the positive rapport with their students. I will be sharing the new four year strategic documentation with the school community when it has been finalised. Thank you to all of the parents, students and staff who contributed to the review process.


Information Session for Prep Parents

A reminder that there will be an information session for all prep parents around the reading process on Wednesday the 22nd March from 5:15 to 5:45 pm. Information covered in this session will touch on how children learn to read, what they have been learning at school, home readers that will be coming home and how you can help at home.  This session is open to all junior parents from grades prep to 2.


School Council

Just a reminder that our Annual General Meeting for 2023 will take place on Wednesday the 22nd March.



There have been a number of students coming to school out of uniform. If you are having any issues acquiring uniform items – please let the office know and we will see what we can do to help.


Energy Breakthrough

The new cart is officially at school! It is still a work in progress as far as the assembly goes – but tomorrow the vehicles will be tested and tagged at the sale yards in preparation for competition this year. Mr Pocock has been working hard to select a team so watch this space.



Please note that NAPLAN will take place for grade 3 and 5 students on the following days:


Writing:  Wednesday, March 15

Reading: Thursday, March 16

Conventions of Language: Monday, March 20

Numeracy: Tuesday, March 21


We kindly request that wherever possible, parents and carers avoid making appointments for students on these testing days.


NAPLAN is a national test to assess Literacy and Numeracy skills that provides a range of benefits for schools and students, including valuable feedback about areas where we can improve our curriculum and teaching strategies. For individual students, NAPLAN testing provides a comprehensive picture of their literacy and numeracy skills, identifying areas where they may need additional support or assistance. 


While we understand that some students may feel anxious or worried about taking NAPLAN, please reassure students that NAPLAN is  a tool for educators to assess the progress of students right across Australia and is used to identify areas where improvements can be made to teaching programs and curriculum.


School Sport

Well done to all students who represented Epsom PS in the Division Swimming Sports and Volleyball teams. Please see Mr Smyth’s write up about both events in this newsletter.


Thank you for your ongoing support - I really appreciate it.


Kind regards,


Julie Ladd


Please call the office or use Compass to explain your child's absence.  It is a Department of Education and Training requirement that all student absences are explained.  As a school we will be seeking an explanation for all unexplained absences with parents and carers.