Principal's Message

School Council
A final newsletter call out for participants on our school council.
Being a member of School Council is a fantastic way to get an insight into the inner workings of the school, and gives us valuable insight and thoughts from our school community. Meetings are held twice a term in the evenings. This year we have 2 positions available. Nominations can be made for other people or for yourself. Forms for both can be found below or collected from the office, and are due back by Friday 3rd March.
If you would like a hard copy nomination form sent home with your child, please call or email and we can arrange this for you. If there are more nominations than positions, a ballot will be held prior to our AGM.
Canteen Update
I thank everyone for their support and patience while we get our new system up and running. The service is being finalised with a new website being developed for our school. One thing that I can confirm is that the canteen will run on Thursdays. I hope to have further information in the coming days and sincerely hope this will suit our needs at Bolinda Primary School.
Whole School Assembly
We ran our first assembly of the year last week and it was fantastic to see how things were run at Bolinda Primary School. Year 6 students, Finn and Max, ran the assembly and even initiated an impromptu singalong of Happy Birthday to Charlotte. Students who received awards are selected based on the school values of Learning, Resilience, Respect & Responsibility. Teachers are constantly on the lookout for students who display these values on a regular basis. Our values award recipients for this assembly were:
Junior - Indiana
Middle - None for this week
Senior - Ella
Principal's Award - Charlotte
Family BBQ
The Family BBQ is coming up this Thursday and we're excited to see families fill Bolinda Primary School for a sausage and some family fun. Just so we have an idea of who is attending and how many we need to cater for, please fill out the Google Form below:
Senior Classroom
I continue to see some excellent learning occurring all around the school. This week I have been super impressed with the work that Seniors have been doing. Their work on rules and why it is important to have them has given them an insight into what makes a community work.
The Seniors have been reading Storm Boy and have created a wall dedicated to their understanding of the book. Every time I go into the classroom, there's something new up on the wall. The children will relay what is happening in the book and what they enjoyed. I feel like I'm reading along with them.
Finally, our Senior students share their thoughts about this week at Bolinda Primary School.
Jordan Chamerski