Captains Corner
By Vivaan 6C
Captains Corner
By Vivaan 6C
What a short but fabulous term we are going through. We have already reached halfway through the term, and whilst we have enjoyed participating in the Swimming Program and inter school sports we have so many more exciting events & programs to look forward to.
Firstly, our Prep and Year 1-3 have just started their swimming program. I am sure that the students participating will enjoy learning how to swim with their friends and water safety. Our non-swimmers will also learn about water safety and collaborate in groups to make wonderful projects.
Our Year 6s have started their summer round robin. They will be playing summer sports with different schools around our area. Wishing them the best of luck with their games.
We also have the ‘Twilight Sports’ event approaching to be held after school on the 29th of March. We are all looking forward to attending this fun event with our friends and teachers.
I would like to congratulate Hirun (Year 6) and his sister Onalee (Year 2) for their wonderful athletics achievements. Hirun placed third in his age group at the regional hurdles competition and Onalee achieved 15 PB’s. What a fantastic achievement!!!
To share your achievements at assemblies, feel free sign up on the sheet displayed in front of the music room or speak to Mr Catalano.
Thanks for taking your time to read this newsletter, hope you have a wonderful week.
From Vivaan
2023 School Captain