Assistant Principal's Report

By Roland Lewis

STEAM Innovation


Our school offers a number of enrichment opportunities, STEAM Innovation is one of these.  STEAM Innovation aims to provide students with the opportunity to build their knowledge and understanding of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics and how to apply these disciplines to solve real world problems.


As a CIS school focused on Global Citizenship, STEAM Innovation gives our students an opportunity to problem solve (Engineering) on a global scale.  This term, our Year Six STEAM Innovation students are doing just that.  We aim to always deepen learning by anchoring off the Year Six Inquiry question – “How does where I live impact me?” With this in mind, students have been exploring what it means to be impacted by where we live. 


This week we began the STEAM Inquiry process – which always starts with data (Mathematics).  This data helps us identify real world problems to solve.  From here we will identify a ‘challenge question’ to further guide our next steps towards genuine solutions to global problems.


Enya, Ravi and Minneli from 6A reflected on their learning so far…


Enya And Raavi:
Today, we have been looking at food wastage and how it impacts where we are and live. We have also been researching reliable sources on how food wastage impacts pollution and how it contributes to poverty and starvation. Something fascinating that we have found on food wastage is that approximately 828 million people suffer from starvation each year, and imagine if all the food we throw away could help a few in need.
Did you know?
The food goes to landfill and rots, which produces methane (A greenhouse gas even more impactful to the world than carbon dioxide).
For steam innovation, today we were researching about world problems and possible solutions for them. My group and I chose animal extinction.  We learned all about how tigers became endangered and how we could help them.