Agriculture & Horticulture

EMC is excited to see the Agriculture and Horticulture Education center back for another year.
Throughout this year there has, and will be new animals introduced to the agriculture family along with new and improved refurbishments. Since the academic year has returned, students have been excited to be able to come into this unique space of a lunch time and interact with a number of different animals found within this area. These animals include chickens, sheep, goats and alpacas. Students have been able to get up close and personal with these animals, hand feeding and learning about the different animals that are currently calling EMC their home. To support the lunch time program there is also the year 9 elective Amazing Studies of Animals and Plants (ASAP) which currently has 2 full classes running throughout the year.
Students get introduced to the basics of animal care and management, along with looking at the amazing and unique world of horticulture. Students are able to be hands on are encouraged to enjoy the fruits (or vegetables) of their labour. 2023 has also seen an increase in the number of students undertaking VET Agriculture and Horticulture which is run at EMC, and supports the education of students from many local high schools.
Students undertaking this course receive a Certificate II in Agriculture at the completion of their two-year program. Students get to have a 4 hour intensive class each Wednesday where they are introduced to areas of industry based skills that can assist them in developing a career in agriculture. With only being 6 weeks into the year, it has been amazing to see the crowds of students coming down Monday, Tuesday or Friday at lunchtime to enjoy this space. We encourage students to come and explore a space that they may have never encountered, or try something new by feeding an alpaca. If you ask staff and students that get to enjoy this space, the grass is definitely greener on the other side of this experience.