Applied Fashion Design 

& Technology

VCE VET Certificate II in Applied Fashion Design and Technology

Students travel from across the Peninsula to attend VET Fashion at EMC. These students were fortunate to have a visiting Fashion Designer and Visual Merchandiser provide an incursion experience. Charene was visiting Australia from New York and spoke with the students about her fashion experiences and inspiration.



Ava Worland wrote:

Charene came to our Applied Fashion Design & Technology class to share with us her experiences and knowledge of fashion. She told us about how we can find inspiration in absolutely everything around us, like people and nature. To show this we were asked to create a mood board using random images and text from magazines and then present the mood board to the class explaining our inspiration. 


Charene came around to every student to talk to us personally about our ideas and designs for the current garment that we are making. She gave us tips and feedback on our work.


After we had finished our mood boards Charene showed us how to make a simple purse that she made before her career in fashion even began. She showed us how it was made using a simple pattern and then as a class we individually made our own purse, using denim as the outer layer and light cotton fabric for the lining.


Charene really showed us how our careers in fashion can begin so small and if you pursue it, it can become something very beautiful and unique.  





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