Principal Introduction

Dear Students, Parents, Carers and Staff,
Our commitment to providing vast opportunities for our students remains unwavering as we continue to achieve through the following various programs and events so far this term.
We were thrilled to welcome families back on site for the first time since 2019 for Parent-Teacher Conferences. It was an excellent opportunity for staff to meet the community face-to-face again in a relaxed environment and discuss our students' progress.
The recently appointed Sports Coordinator, Tom Booth, and AFL Trainee, Nathan Guinea, ran a successful swim carnival at Doveton Pools. The event attracted 412 middle school students who enjoyed friendly competition among their peers. Congratulations to the Kurunda sub-school for their dominant display, taking out the title.
Our Legally Blonde Production team is in full swing, and the cast has been chosen, moving into the evening rehearsal phase. We can't wait to see the finished product.
We welcomed 23 new students to EMC since the start of the year, and from all accounts, they have settled in well.
The Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Commemoration was held on Thursday 2nd March, and it was a special calendar event attended by her granddaughter, Penny Fowler and the entire school population. The ceremony was inspirational and our PAC musicians Olly Marshall and Max Pollard stunned the audience with their musical talents. The presentation of the Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Community award was presented to Year 12 student Jenaya Bartlett for her ongoing work with our indigenous community, and the Live Your Values award was awarded to Year 10 student Kiara Mavondo as an outstanding Performing Arts Captain who consistently contributes to extra curricular activities.
Our College Captains were also presented with the Captains badges and spoke with superb communication skills. Speaking of College Captains, they have demonstrated excellent leadership qualities and have represented us so far at Victoria Leadership Conferences, being on selection panels for the Student Leadership School, involved in the CBD women's leadership breakfast, and running leadership workshops at Woodlands Primary School to inspire the next generation. We admire the courage they've displayed so far and look forward to an exciting year ahead. We also want to give a shout out to our Student Leadership Coordinator, Ms Coombes, for her energy and passion in making these events possible.
EMC looks forward to our annual college Working Bee on Friday 24th March and College Open Night on Monday 27th March. These events are a great way to build community spirit and show off our College to prospective families.
Lead by Steph Raike, our wellbeing team have been providing a range of activities that have helped our students' wellness, connectedness, and safety. This includes "Mancave," women's "Flourish," and "One love" workshops.
We had successful College photo days, and it was pleasing to see our students wearing the College uniform with pride.
Our Curriculum day gave staff the opportunity to build their teaching capacity, and we thank our Learning and Teaching team for running insightful modules.
As NAPLAN approaches, we trust our students are preparing themselves well and making sure they give it their best efforts.
Thank you all for your continued support, and we look forward to finishing a fantastic term ahead with this years iCAN Challenge. It was challenging to walk up to 20km last Sunday in preparation for the biannual event but the excitement of reaching the $100,000 fundraising mark makes the training so worthwhile. Please donate to this worthy cause to help raise money for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. Please also support our first free dress day this Tuesday 14th March in support of the iCAN Challenge.
Kind regards,
Ciro Ferra
Assistant Principal