From the Principals' Desk 

Fiona De Zylva - Assistant Principal

We were delighted to welcome our Year 9 families at the Meet and Greet on Thursday 23 February.

 The evening is an annual highlight and provides an informal opportunity for staff to mix with families and students. It allowed the parents to meet with their students' Head of House and the Tutorial teachers. Nossal High School is committed to building and strengthening our partnerships with families and ensuring that all students are fully supported. We are very grateful to Mr. LaBrooy, Director of Years 9 and 10, for his excellent organisation and oversight of this event. 

2023 Swimming Carnival

The House Swimming Carnival was a fantastic event with outstanding performances in the pool and on the sidelines (by staff and students). I commend everyone for their House Spirit and enthusiasm and congratulate Phoenix for their win. Thank you to Ms. Coffa, Ms. Vanstan, the PE team and Heads of House for their organisation and management of the day.

Nossal's SRC

Our Student Representative Council led by Anhad Arora, Sanuda Perera, and Eesha Arun, and our School Captains, Ya Wen Chong, Jeveesh Chopra, Sai Kristam, and Kertikrohan (Kertik) Hariharan, have been extremely busy this year, meeting every Monday. Their meetings this year have been focused on developing an “authentic student voice.” They understand that they represent the student community and must listen to the suggestions and ideas that come from within the school community. These suggestions are discussed and debated at their meetings, and a proposal in writing can then be sent to the principal team. The communications and philanthropic executive teams have also been busy ensuring that our community knows who represents them and how they might be approached. We thank them for their ongoing commitment to providing exceptional opportunities for our community to come together.

During this years' Valentine’s Day fundraiser, they raised money by selling roses, serenades, and tickets to a raffle. The proceeds of this fundraiser will be donated to charities nominated by the SRC. More information can be found on the regular SRC page. 


This week they have been actively organsing Harmony Week the theme for this year is “Everyone belongs.” Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.​ The team has organised a number of events, which includes a multicultural dress up day on Thursday, March 2nd and also a guest speaker from the Centre for Multicultural Youth.

School Review: Call for Feedback

Throughout this term Nossal High School is undertaking a whole school review. This involves inviting people into the school to make observations and to talk to staff, students and parents about their experiences. Once the review is complete, the school will formulate a new strategic plan which will articulate our shared goals for the next four years.


Community members can be involved in our review in a couple of different ways, and we would like to invite your contributions.


Current Parents 

  • Current parents are invited to take part in a focus group to be held at the school on 20th March. Please send your expression of interest to Tracey Mackin at
  • Current parents are also invited to provide the school with some additional feedback via this survey:


Nossal alumni are also invited to reflect on their experience of the school (and especially on how well the school realised its aim of helping prepare them for life at university and beyond!) by responding to this survey:

Many thanks for your support of this important process. As with learning at all levels, this type of reflection is a vital part of ensuring that we continue to make progress.

Clubs and Societies Sign-ups

Clubs and Societies have already commenced their sign ups. We have a vast array of clubs and societies. There is something for everyone. Students involved in these co-curricular activities have the opportunity to explore their passions and connect with like-minded students in different year levels and tutorial groups. We encourage students to get involved in at least one of these activities. If students are interested in creating a specific club or society, they are encouraged to see Ms. Bonham in the Science office to discuss their ideas with her. 


Cyber Safety Lecture

We continue to work with students on the Respectful Relationships curriculum, in addition to social and emotional learning, and we invited a cyber safety expert to talk to the Year 11 and 12 students. In our school community we are continually reminded that students do need education and opportunities to develop skills to ensure their own psychological safety and to challenge inappropriate behaviour online. Susan McLean is a cyber safety expert who was a member of the Victoria Police for twenty-seven years and the first police officer to be appointed to a position involving cyber safety and young people. The messages she conveyed to our students were clear. She encouraged the students to consider their digital reputation, to be brave enough to report inappropriate behaviour to the relevant authority at to support each other in making better choices online. She suggested that they cultivate great awareness of the laws that exist within Victoria and consider using platforms that are ethical and follow the Child Safe Standards. More information on this topic can be found on teams and the General News section. 



NAPLAN testing is about to commence. Nossal students will be required to complete the Practice tests on Wednesday 8 March 2023. This will give students the opportunity to work out any issues they may have with the technology prior to the test. Mr. LaBrooy, Director of Years 9 and 10 will oversee the logistics of the test. Students will be provided with information about the test via teams. 

If parents and students have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact, Mr. LaBrooy or Ms Vanstan.  


NAPLAN Online Test Schedule

Day 1

Wednesday 15 March

Writing - Periods 1&2

Reading - Periods 3&4

Day 2

Thursday 16 March

Conventions of Language - Period 1

Numeracy - Periods 3&4

School Council 2023 Elections

On Tuesday 28 February the final meeting of the 2022 Nossal High School Council will be held in the JRC commencing at 6:30pm. 

On Monday 27 February students will be sent home with instructions and ballot papers to vote on the membership of the 2023 Nossal High School Council, and the ballot closes at 4:00pm on Monday 6 March. We look forward to welcoming the successful candidates to Council where they will work alongside the continuing members.

  • Executive Officer: Tracey Mackin (Acting Principal)
  • Council President: John Inns
  • Council Treasurer: Subash Abhayawansa
  • Minute Secretary: Lydia Sayer (Business Manager)
  • DET Representatives: Fiona De Zylva (Assistant Principal) and Fiona Vanstan (Acting Assistant Principal)
  • Student Representatives: Max Richards and Sanuka Gunawardana
  • and the newly co-opted members: YaWen Chong and Jeevesh Chopra

Fiona De Zylva

Assistant Principal