Kids Corner

The “Kids’ Corner” section of our school newsletter provides the opportunity for the children to showcase their talents or communicate something special. This week I received something special in the mail, a letter from Zavier (Year 1) who wrote:


Dear Mr. Catalano,
How are you? I am doing well.
How are you feeling about the lockdown? I am sad but a little bit happy because I can spend time with my family and I don’t need to put my hand up to go to the bathroom. But I am sad because I can’t see my friends.
From Zavier.


This is my response:


Dear Zavier,
You know what? I receive lots of mail every week and this week the best letter I received was the one from you – thank you so much for writing to me and for also sharing how you feel about the lockdown. I love the way you have written the letter as it is well sequenced and contains really interesting information, for example, not having to put your hand up to go to the bathroom ................. I would never have thought of that! 
To answer your questions, I understand why it is important to have the lockdowns, however, I am sad too because you, your friends and the other children at our school are missing out on so much! For example, this lockdown we have had to cancel the Year 6 camp and the Victorian State School Spectacular. Quite a few incursions and an excursion have also been cancelled. Not being able to see and play with your friends is also very sad! 
I am also sad for all of the mums and dads that have to help the children with their learning, whilst they are trying to do their own work. This must be really hard to manage, however I hope the new LFH program will make life a little easier for parents.
I am also sad for the teachers. Teachers don’t like sitting in front of a computer all day, we like being with you and your friends and helping improve learning.
Personally, the other part that saddens me is that I am not able to visit my friends and family. For example, I haven’t seen my son, mum, dad and my wife’s parents for about 6 weeks. That’s really hard especially as some are getting very old and are not good with technology. 
However, what is most important is that we all have to stay safe, healthy and do the right thing that way soon we will all be able to come back to school and see each other. I really look forward to seeing you very soon Zavier!
Take care, thanks again for writing and please say hi to everyone in your family from me!
With lots of love and admiration,
Mr Catalano.
Ps. Next time, would you like to try to write me an email? My email address is:



Matias (Year 6) wrote the following about how he feels about the lockdown.


You will note that it is very moving and deep.