Principals Report

By Frank Catalano

Dear Members of the Glen Waverley Primary School Community,


I trust all is well with you and your family and welcome to this fortnight’s newsletter where so much is shared about our fabulous school.


As per usual, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on 9802 9938 or via email at


Lockdown Update


As you would be aware, this week we commenced our revised LFH program. The feedback from the staff and the children I have spoken to at school and also online has been very positive. I would also love to hear from parents too, please email you thoughts at, I look forward to hearing from you!  


Once again, thank you everyone for the manner in which we have embraced and implemented the current lockdown. I cannot express how proud I am of the children as they continue their learning journey in a very different way, the staff for their continual willingness to do what is best for the children both at home and at school and of course the GWPS parents. As a staff we always eternally grateful for the manner in which you continue to support us to complete our duties particularly whilst working from home. Thank you everyone! 


A recent highlight of the lockdown was a special guest appearance from a renowned Chinese artist, who also happens to be the grandfather of Coco in Year 6. Coco’s grandfather demonstrated some traditional Chinese drawing techniques as some of our students and their parents watched from home. Thank you to Coco’s grandfather and to Mrs Guo for organising this.   



Our school chess team


Our school chess team recently participated in a Kids Unlimited tournament and I am extremely proud to report that the finished in first place and have now qualified for the state semi-finals. 


The children were amazing as the top 5 players were from our school, congratulations and well done to Tejas, Arnav, Nikhil, Rahul and Omika for achieving this. In addition Vidushi and Sanuk also finished in the top 10! Overall, 7 of the top 10 places were children from our school which is truly amazing particularly when you consider the strength of the players involved. 


The children reported that it was an amazing team effort with everyone scoring at least 2.5 wins/points. 


Unfortunately we are unable to acknowledge the children at school. Instead, we held a special meeting on Teams and shared this fabulous achievement. Included are photographs of the children and I on Teams.


The team consisted of the following children:


Prep: Naveen

Year 1: Saheli and Amaya

Year 2: Evin and Ryan

Year 4: Vikas, Vidushi, Ammar, Dev and Dhruv

Year 5: Omika, Reyansh and Nikhil

Year 6: Tejas, Rahul, Sanuk, Arnav and Okith


Well done and congratulations everyone, we are all so proud of you and also look forward to hearing how you go at the next stage of the competition. 

What’s happening at school during the lockdown?


Students and Staff at school:

  • On average there are about 80 children attending school. They are all learning in the main building and have been divided into 3 groups;
  • Year Prep,
  • Years 1 and 2 and
  • Year 3 to 6.


  • There are 2 teachers assisting each group
  • Most of the senior staff are at school
  • Mrs Milward and Daniel are working in the office and
  • Andy and Michael (new maintenance person) are completing tasks throughout the school.


Facilities Upgrades

During the lockdown we have taken the opportunity to replace some of the classroom carpet. So far we have replaced the carpet in:

  • The Performing Arts classroom and also 4A and 4E’s classrooms.
  • By the end of next week the carpet in 4B’s and 6C’s classrooms should also be replaced.

I’m sure the children will be very excited to see their classrooms being updated.


Included are photos for your enjoyment! 



Department of Education and Training (DET) School Review 


Throughout the lockdown we have continued with the DET review process. The emphasis for this fortnight is working with focus groups consisting of some of the children, parents, staff and School Council. The final day of the review will be held on Monday 13th September in which we create the goals, key improvement strategies and targets for the next School Strategic Plan (SSP), I look forward to sharing this with everyone as soon as possible. 


May I also take the opportunity to thank all of the children, staff and parents who have assisted with the review process as your time, effort and contribution is really appreciated. 




Prep A 

  • Sam and Deanna for making amazing progress with their learning


Prep E

  • Aneel for also making amazing progress with her learning



  • Aadyah also for creating the most amazing Matisse Artwork



  • Radinsa also for creating the most amazing Matisse Artwork
  • Declan for making amazing progress with his spelling



  • Aiden also for creating the most amazing Matisse Artwork



  • Jaik for creating the most amazing Matisse Artwork



  • Meenu also for creating the most amazing Matisse Artwork



  • Neha for being very supportive and responsible



  • Ali for working very hard to improve his knowledge of Mandarin


Wishing everyone a safe and happy fortnight, 



Frank Catalano
