School Council Updates

We will provide parents with regular updates on the work of School Council

School Council has been exploring ways to engage our community with our school review and four year plan. We look forward to hearing your dreams very soon!

Bunnings BBQ FUNdraiser!

Sunny Heights managed to squeeze a fundraiser in between lockdowns last weekend at Bunnings, raising $1145 for a proposed new student garden near the gym. Fifteen parents and a handful of students pitched in to help organise and run the classic Aussie fundraiser at the Sunshine store in perfect winter weather. 

Highlights for us included: 

  • Patti and Jeremy Ford chopping a vast bucket of onions by hand and bringing tears to everyone’s eyes 
  • Jess Brown convincing local business in Sunshine to donate hundreds of dollars' worth of goods, vouchers, food and goodwill to the school 
  • Maya and Summer stepping up to represent the kids of Sunny Heights 
  • Drew Drago stoking the barbecue for four hours, removing another layer of clothes every hour as the heat rose 
  • Natalie Staub and Awombda Codd dancing in the kitchen to remind us all that fundraising has “fun” in it!  
  • Everyone else for squeezing an hour or more out of their day to make lives better at Sunny Heights 

It was a great effort by all the parent volunteers and all the families that came to visit, and gives us great confidence that we can still raise much-needed extra funds for the school despite the tricky conditions. 

Click here for some more great pictures from the day on the Sunshine Heights “parents and carers page” on Facebook

Next up, we hope to host a silent auction as part of end-of-year celebrations. Click here or contact Matthew Schulz (fundraising convenor) if you can help or have ideas about things to sell. 

Policy Subcommittee

The SHPS Policy team will hold our next meeting at next week via Webex - time to be confirmed - and we are looking for some new members! We get together for an hour about twice a term to develop our school’s policies and work out which areas we need to consult more widely on; and we drink lots of coffee! If English isn’t your first language we would really appreciate your input. There are absolutely no qualifications needed to join.

Some of the Policies we are working on this year include:


Bullying Prevention

Child Safety

Inclusion and Diversity.

Let me know if you’re keen or have any questions.

Thanks, Sarah 

Digital learning subcommittee - We are looking for committee members.


The newly formed Digital Learning subcommittee is looking for interested parents/carers/teachers to join and contribute to the new digitally led initiative for the school. 


We run a monthly committee meeting (1st Thursday of the month via Zoom 7pm) where we discuss the approach and help inform the strategy of a digital education program.   

All are welcome.  


For further details contact Luke Pye