David's Message

Sail into a universe of possibilities...

Dear Parents and Carers,


What a week - if the last lockdown was brought to you by the song Mambo Number 5, this one is definitely Mamma Mia, here we go again! I am sure like each of you, I have found this lockdown particularly hard; we have so many special things planned for our students and being unable to connect with each of them in person makes each day a little harder. It was great to see all of them on Webex at assembly today though and 


I know that each of you is doing the very best you can to support our beautiful and passionate students as they transition back to remote learning. Our specialist team are particularly keen to connect with the students this time and have created an epic timetable of Webex's and check ins for our students to participate in when they are done with their literacy, numeracy and inquiry learning. Head to the Specialist Hub for more details or check out SeeSaw.


A massive and heartfelt thank you to our parents and the Fundraising Committee for the amazing work they did at the Bunnings barbecue, and to everyone who went to visit them. They raised money for our new Specialist Garden Design but also demonstrated our Values of connection, collaboration and having a great time. As the team say, they put the FUN in fundraising!