It is now impossible to go through a day without hearing the word ‘Covid’ or ‘lockdown’. This has become part of our life, our world has changed. Naturally we are influenced by what is happening around us and it can be easy to lose motivation and focus. So much is beyond our control and nevertheless our lives continue. I can see that at times, some of our students are tired and seem restless. It would be easy for any of us to say ‘I’m over 2021’, but the reality is that it is only August and we all have things to do! Focusing on being positive and accountable members of our community can go a long way in making us feel energised, included and productive. There are five expectations that we have of each other at St Mary MacKillop College and while they are simple, they can be powerful. 


We are on time and ready to learn. In other words, get to class on time knowing that you are here to learn something new every day. Have your materials organised so nothing gets in the way of learning, nothing holds you back.


We always follow staff instructions.Being part of our community means following the College Community Expectations. This also means doing the small things like wearing our uniform well, taking our jackets off when asked, listening when it is time to listen.


We all use appropriate language. What we say is important and so is how we say it. Language is powerful, it can build people up and it can cause damage. Choose your words wisely and add positivity to the conversations around you.


We respect ourselves, others and our learning environment. Every single person in our school community has a right to feel safe at school. No person has the right to make others feel small, fearful, embarrassed or unwelcome. We respect ourselves enough to do what is best and what is right. 


We are responsible for our own behaviour.Ultimately, we are in charge of what we say and what we do. Focus on making good decisions - about study, about homework, about behaviour. 


Every person in the St Mary MacKillop College community has something to offer, something to contribute that makes our school a better place. Trust that each day brings an opportunity to learn something new about yourself, about others and about the world.