
I came across this lovely video that you can watch as a family about lockdown.


Some ways you can support your child's learning 

  • Keep to a regular bedtime and wake up schedule, this will help keep a routine in place and will help for when school returns.
  • Get dressed for the day’s learning, discourage pyjamas!
  • Encourage good hygiene practices.
  • Create a learning space.
  • Make a plan for the day, chat about the day's expectations so there are no surprises. Have regular breaks, this can include 5-10 min brain breaks during tasks.
  • Give rewards for tasks completed like 30 minutes of iPad time, fun or special outside activities when the morning activities have been handed in.
  • Provide healthy snacks and water, it may be helpful to make a packed lunch in the morning to get them through the day.
  • Aim for less than a full school day at home.
  • Keep a balance between work, play, social and sleep- turn off screens an hour before bed.
  • Build in physical activity, creative activities, reading and down time for your children, yourself and family time.

Parent Self Care 

  • Take Breaks - brain breaks and de-stress - all sorts of enjoyable ways.
  • Move - stretching regularly, walking, running, yoga, dancing, cycling.
  • Keep connected socially - check in buddy, walking buddy, fence chats, Zoom, all media form.
  • Use Positive Self Talk - What’s more healthful/helpful thinking?
  • What are the silver linings/opportunities?
  • Learn a new skill? Lots of online classes.
  • Be grateful!