Remote Learning  

How are we celebrating BOOK WEEK at Galilee during Remote Learning?

Book Week starts on Saturday 21st August and ends on Friday 27th August.

  • For your diary: Virtual Book Parade - Friday 27 August
    During Book Week (Week 7, Term 3), teachers  will use their ZOOM sessions to organise a Book Week Costume / Fun Hat Virtual Parade for Friday 27 August for K-2 and 3-6.
  • Book Trivia 
  • Children may like to dress up at home as their favourite book characters or perhaps just wear a hat.
  • Teachers will also give students an opportunity to design a Book Week Poster and other activities showing the theme “Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds”.

Access to Digital Library

Unfortunately, coming to the school library or local library to borrow books is not possible at this time. The school has a digital library which is available to Kindergarten to Year 6. It is an expectation that all students borrow from the Digital Library during remote learning. An email has been sent to each student with the following instructions.


Instructions to Using the Digital Library

Enter your child’s Cnet password if not already signed in

Select ACEN Member Collection (our school is not listed)


Commence your borrowing: 

Search title of book or select category



Start Reading/Automatic Return