Faith & Family

Family Educator News                

Invitation to Livestream Mass with Fr Robbie

Please join our Bondi community each Sunday at 10 am for mass at St Patrick's, live-streamed through the new Bondi Parish Facebook page. Remember to like and follow the page to stay updated with Parish news.



                      The Feast of the Assumption of the                            Blessed Virgin Mary


On Sunday August 15, our Church celebrates the Assumption of Mary. It is the most important Feast Day of Mary. After her life on earth, her body and soul were assumed into heavenly glory. In order to understand the significance of this event, we must learn who Mary was. A humble, gentle and faithful servant of God. She was chosen to bring the Saviour into the world for us and was created without sin. How can we relate to this in our everyday lives among the uncertainties and anxieties of today?


We can start by imitating her trust she had for God in the journey of her life, both in moments of joy and deep sorrow. Mary is such a gift to us that through her we get to Jesus. As we travel through the highs and lows of a pandemic we can look up to heaven and know that Mary is protecting us and sharing our experiences.


On Sunday, spend some time with your family by praying one Hail Mary, a decade or even a Rosary. Perhaps you can set up a sacred space to honour Mary.

Please feel free to share your photos by sending them to 

Please click on this link to access The Rosary


Did you know that August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary?

The Immaculate Heart of Mary refers to the Catholic view of the interior life of Mary, mother of Jesus, her joys and sorrows, her virtues and hidden perfections, and, above all, her virginal love for God the Father, her maternal love for her son Jesus Christ, and her motherly and compassionate love for all mankind. 


Happy Feast Day of St Clare of Assisi

August 11 is the Feast Day of St Clare of Assisi, the companion of St Francis, and foundress of the Poor Clares order.  Known for her beauty, Clare was born in Assisi during the High Middle Ages, the eldest daughter of Favorino Sciffi, Count of Sasso-Rosso and his wife Ortolana. St Clare is the Patron saint of television, embroiderers, laundry workers and people with eye diseases.  Watch a short clip on this wonderful saint on the button below.

Take a Virtual Tour of Assisi, Italy the home of St Francis & St Clare

Take a walking tour of the magical town of Assisi in Italy, where St Francis & St Clare lived.


Daily Meditation for Children

This is a great little video to walk you through the daily examen for children.  The examen prayer is a wonderful, Ignatian practice that nurtures mindfulness and peace.