Junior School News

From the Head of Junior School


One of the questions that I ask every parent when they come in to meet with us for the enrolment process is, “Why are you considering Girton for your children?” or “What do you hope that your child will gain from a Girton education?” There are common threads in the answers that are given. Academic achievement or academic assistance features highly as does a safe environment for their children. This makes perfect sense. As parents, we want our children in an environment where they are safe and supported to learn to the best of their ability. Of course, there are a myriad of other outcomes that parents expect as their child goes through school. Gross motor and fine motor skill development, social confidence, respectful interactions, problem-solving, public speaking etc are all skills that are developed through daily lessons, the school routines, signature school events such as the Production and through the standards and expectations that are set when children enter our school. Each activity they engage in at school plays a part in developing the student who graduates in Year 12, the Departing Girtonian. This is why we are so committed to maintaining as much of the routine and as many of the events and activities as we can through the disruptions of Covid. Where we cannot run an event, we find alternatives that provide similar outcomes for our students. Whether that is Zoom lessons each day, virtual assemblies or a streamed concert when we can’t be face to face we will continue to push to give our students the best opportunities. 


The departing Girtonian, who engages in the Mission and Values of the School and who embraces the education and opportunities it presents, will depart Girton as a person who: 

• Will achieve above natural ability as measured by standard tests and norms 

• Will achieve results which maximise choice for further study and open career pathways which would otherwise not have been available. 

• Is articulate and confident 

• Can lead in a self-assured way, but is also a team player 

• Is ethical, understanding and caring; and chooses to love rather than hate, to forgive rather than resent, to take responsibility rather than blame others. 

• Has an international perspective but with an understanding of, and pride in, the culture and qualities of their own region and country 

• Can recognise that they have a place and a role in a complex, exciting and fast changing world.


Mr Donald Thompson

Head of Junior School



Congratulations to the following students who have been elected as our Semester Two Student Representative Council. 


Navya Dua


Zororo Tamangani


Lilly Hetherington


Audrey Sheng


Amelia O'Rielly


Rishiv Sasalu


Joseph Conlan


Norah Rao


Siara Madina


Marana Murray


Sarah Cooney


Thom Hosking


Sophie Mahony


Oscar Worme


Laura Broom


Charlotte Martin


Riley Davey


Charlotte Garner


Ethan Hendrix


Ariya Marwood


Nikki Cheema


Angus Cuthbertson


Special Guest Visits Prep Class


Dr Clayton Massey visited the prep classroom as our special guest reader during story time.  Prep students were entertained with the book 'King Pig' by Nick Bland.


Year One: Space Theme One M

The Year One’s are busy learning all about Space.  Many of the students extend their learning at home by creating models and puzzles on the topic.  The students are excited to share their learning with the rest of the class.  Above are some examples of what the students have produced. 


Year Five: "If I was Prime Minister...."

Pictured above: Prime Minister discussions


If I was Prime Minister I would build an orphanage for older homeless people.  So that they’re not lonely and they can build relationships in the orphanage.  My next idea is roller coasting as transport because …. Use fuel and oil eventually we are going to run out of oil.  Roller coasters don’t use as much fuel so we’ll have oil for many decades to come. My last ideas is to make a day in the year called Ideas Day for the public to put ideas and send them to me and I’ll choose one to add to the country because the public should have a say in the changes to the country. 

Anderson Price-Brown (5 Riley)


If I was Prime Minister I would do lots for Australia.  Firstly I would make Saturday lemonade and hot dog day every Saturday.  Secondly, I would make Monday tree house day for everyone (especially the homeless).  I would build tree houses everywhere.  Lastly I would make the age to be voted Prime Minister the age of 8 years because younger kids are the most creative. 

Avan Allan (5 Frew)


If I was Prime Minister I would give a one hundred thousand dollar fine if someone was racist because we are all the same in a way.  The second thing I would do is every month you would give $10 to charity in need but I would pay $10,000 a year because some charities don't get enough money which cover some losses to families.  Lastly I would make more women to be in important roles but not push men out of the picture because men can do the same thing as women. 

Ella Thomas (5 Millward)


 If I was Prime Minister I would get rid of all the cruel people who abuse animals.  I would save the polar bears from global warming because animal abuse is not nice and the polar bears would go extinct.  I would also ban hunting.  Like people who go hunting for fox tails and rabbit fur.

Harriet Williams (5 Aherne)


If I was Prime Minister I would do lots of things to make Australia a better place.  I would make smoking illegal because it damages people. Next I would make a massive area of land only for animals so they don’t become extinct.  Finally I would make a food store for people who cannot buy food to live. 

Thom Hosking (5 Frew)


Divisional Football


Our Year Five and Six students were fortunate to attend the Divisional Football Carnivals this week.  The carnivals were due to run earlier in the term but due to lockdown, they were postponed and the students were very excited they got to play. The boys' team enthusiastically competed on the first day with the sun shining at the beginning of the day.  They played 6 games in a round-robin format finishing with 2 wins and 4 losses. Unfortunately, 2 of those losses came from margins under 4 points.  The boys competed well and enjoyed the games and mud as the day progressed.  Best players for the boys were: Harry Miller (6 Aherne), Lachlan Krueger (6 Jones), Riley Davey (6 Millward), Julian Boucher (6 Millward), Hamish Worme (6 Aherne), Lachlan Edwards (6 Jenkin).


The girls backed up the day on the Kennington ovals and were equally as excited to play amongst the mud.  The girls came out firing, despite many of them never having played football before. They played in another round-robin format winning 4 out of 5 of their games and suffering their only loss for the day by 5 points to St Killians after conceding a goal with 20 seconds left in the game.  The girls put in a tremendous effort and they should be proud, as we are, of giving it their best in trying something new.  Best players for the girls team were: Stephanie Ingram (6 Jenkin), Maggie Barber (6 Millward), Sarah Crowley (6 Jones), Kyah Spiteri (6 Riley), Mackenzie Trotter (6 Jones), Grace Dobie (6 Jenkin).


Thank you to Mrs Viv Bath, Mr Jamie Turner and Mrs Kim Henery for all of their efforts in supporting the teams in preparation and coordination of the events. 


Relay for Life

2019 Relay for Life
2019 Relay for Life

Girton Grammar Junior School has once again entered a team for Relay for Life 2021.

This year the event is back at the track and will be held on Saturday 28th August at Flora Hill Athletics Track, Retreat Road, Bendigo.    


Girton Grammar Junior School will have a marquee at the event from 12.00noon on the Saturday.  The event this year is a 10 hour event only.


Our goal this year is to raise as much money as we can for this very worthwhile cause.

We encourage parents to join the team to participate alongside their children.  


Just by joining the team you will receive a Relay for Life polo shirt to be worn on the day.

Cost to join the team is $30.00 for students and $40.00 for adults. 


All students wishing to participate must be accompanied by an adult for the duration of the event.


During the time that students are at the event, they are encouraged to walk, jog, or run around the track as many times as they wish.  A tally of the laps will be kept for all participants.  I encourage everyone in the team to get in the spirit and come dressed in Purple and Yellow (get out your feather boa and tutu’s) which are the colors of RELAY For LIFE.


To join the team please use the link supplied to join our fundraising journey.




CLICK on the “Join Our Team” tab to enter.


This is a wonderful opportunity for our students and parents to support the community as well as a chance for parents to get together.  


We encourage the Girton Grammar Junior School Community to support this worthy cause.


If you have any questions with regards to joining the team please contact Mrs Polidano as school is the Team Captain.