Girton Buy Swap Sell

Did you know that you can buy, swap and sell Girton items such as school uniform and textbooks via the Girton Buy Swap Sell Facebook group? To complement the service offered via our Secondhand Uniform shop on the Junior School campus, a Facebook group has been established to facilitate the private sale of items between members of our school community. 


The “Girton Secondhand Uniform” Facebook group was formed some time ago by enthusiastic parents who wanted to ensure that the cost of various school items was accessible to as many Girton families as possible. 


With the Secondhand Uniform Shop (and SisterWorks) now operating in the Junior School and the children of parent volunteers graduating, a new Facebook group has been created and all members of the Girton community are invited to request to become a member of the group to take advantage of this convenient way to buy, swap and sell Girton items. 


The new Facebook group is moderated by Girton staff members and its revamp was prompted by our Student Voice Prefects, who have undertaken to implement a number of student suggestions, one of which is to reduce the school's carbon footprint by facilitating the sale of second-hand school books. 


The Girton Buy Swap Sell Facebook group can be found here:


The previous Girton Secondhand Uniforms Facebook group will be closed, so if you would like to buy, swap or sell, please join the new group. 


The Girton Secondhand Uniform Shop on the Junior School campus is open during the school term on Thursday 3 pm - 4 pm and Friday 8.15 am – 8.45 am.