From the Assistant Principal

Owning it


Look, I'm sure you'll be shocked to hear this (please feel free not to tell me the truth) but sometimes I'm grumpy, sometimes I'm impatient, sometimes I just don't want to....anything. And even though there are moments I wish I had reigned that in and kept my muttered thoughts to myself - it's also ok because I am only human. I bet you have moments like that and lately there might be more than usual but it's ok to admit you are struggling. This time is difficult for everyone, and your difficult is different to anyone else's right now. The most powerful thing I can do when I'm not at my best is modelling for my children that I can name it "I felt sad yesterday"; owning it, "Sometimes I get teary but that's ok"; and making a proactive plan for moving on "I might go for a walk and listen. to my favourite podcast".


The truth is, our children are the same and some days they are not at their best. It's harder for them to name their emotions and sometimes we need to help them - because managing this lockdown creates BIG feelings for everyone. And big feelings in little minds can manifest in frustration or apathy but also in sore tummies, tears, silliness, disorganisation, unusual appetite or sleep patterns, being muddled or unable to problem solve, struggling with skills or tasks they can usually do at school...the list goes on. You know your child best and if you need further resources you might find some of the ones at the bottom of this page useful.

Empowering you

At Kalinda we value rigorous learning and individual student growth. But we know that neither of these things are possible without resilience, good mental health and positive connections between members of our community. I am incredibly proud of every member of our staff, student and family community as you are managing the delicate balance of engaging with schoolwork and protecting each others' mental health and wellbeing. We understand that some days are easier than others and we urge you to feel empowered to make decisions to change up your child's day when you feel they need it. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if we can support you in any way. 

The power of a 20-second hug

This article was shared with me by our amazing business manager Melissa and I rushed straight to share it with you. I think you will find it really valuable! 

Podcasts: Supporting your child

The Royal Children's Hospital has a range of fantastic podcasts on a variety of topics. 



Cybersafe parenting


What:               Taming the technology: Parenting in the cyber age

Suitable for:    Parents and carers (Primary school aged)

Date:                Thursday, 26 August 2021    

Time:                7pm to 8.30pm

Cost:                 Free

Where:             Online webinar  (This webinar will be recorded and available for a limited time to those who register for the event). Certificates of attendance will be available on request.

Book online here:


Further parenting information sessions will be announced soon and updated on Council’s website here:







We are kind. We are resilient. We are respectful.