Sports News

Ms Birch

Hi Parents,


I hope you and your families are all keeping well during this incredibly trying time. Being the PE teacher (and a mother of a very active 2-year-old) I was more than saddened by the news of the playground closures throughout the lockdown extension. They have been a saving grace for me (and I am sure for you also) and something that has naturally stimulated the children to keep active and moving. The time spent outside in the fresh air is vital as we are spending so much of our time on screens during remote learning, something that just cannot be helped, unfortunately.


If you are struggling for ideas or want some inspiration on how to get your children active, please reach out to me via email ( and I am happy to send through some links or ideas for PE lessons. Please keep in mind, I am finishing up at the end of the next week as I venture onto maternity leave!!


I did Pokemon PE with the Juniors this week and it was hilarious! They all had such a great time participating, and the main thing was, they were moving! The lessons involved 10 rounds of exercises. They could choose from three exercises, two of the exercises were sensible, and the third was a crazy dance move by a funny-looking character. You could imagine what my screen looked like as the majority of them opted for the third choice!


 Here is the link if you would like to do it at home:


Take care everyone and just keep swimming!


Ms Birch