Year 6 at Home

Mrs Callinan and Mrs Carmen

Some of the things the year 6s are enjoying about life back in lockdown include sleep-ins, casual clothes, freedom of time, spending quality time with family, cooking and exercising!


They are all enjoying our daily meets and have also been doing some excellent learning online! Some of their favourite tasks have included working on their narrative stories, investigating chance and probability in maths, examining justice and injustice within societies and getting creative while designing their own ‘Tippy Tappy.’


Here are some examples of the work we have been doing in year 6 that we want to share!


Authur Smithard’s Sizzling Start

Bang! I looked out the window of the plane and the engine was on fire. Bang! “Oh no we lost an engine captain.” he didn’t respond as he looked at the panel in front of him. I knew there were about 236 passengers whose lives depended on us. Bang, I looked at the panel. We only had 2 engines left, one on each side. I heard screams, crying and people saying prayers.


Sophie Piasente's Tippy Tappy

Archie Deane-Johns’s Tippy Tappy   

Ingrid Piva’s probability tree diagram