Year 5 Sustainability Debate

Ms Huebner

Animal fur is a natural fibre that can be made into clothing. Are you for or against this type of clothing?


Daniel Carroll

I am definitely against animal fur clothing for many reasons. First of all, it is completely unnecessary! Sure, hundreds of years ago it was needed to keep people warm, but now, we have so many alternatives like plant fibres and synthetic fabrics. Another reason is that there is a lot of cruelty involved in producing animal fur clothing. It would be a lot better if people would just kill the animals for their skins and meat but just give them a quick death without any suffering. Of course, that would probably cost more money, but I have a cheap and easy solution: JUST DON'T KILL THEM FOR SKIN AT ALL!


Giles Catalan

I am against using animal fur for clothing. Using animal fur for clothing is horrendous and bad for the environment like If you had a cow farm, a cow farm is really bad since cows burp and farts a greenhouse gas called methane. Animal fur production is horrible since some farms kill the animals themselves which is disgusting since they willingly kill it. Something which is I guess good is they sell the meat to not be wasteful.


Gianluca Cuscuna

I am against animal fur clothing, what is the point of taking fur off an animal to make clothing. Why kill a cow just to get the leather or use feathers off ducks. If it's a sheep it's ok because the wool grows back. But why do we need to make clothing out of animal skin? It's wrong. Do these farmers think that leather, feathers and other animals' skin would just grow back in 1 minute? They should know better.


Mila Emmerson

We should obviously not use animal fur! It's extremely bad for the environment! animals need their fur more than we need our skin! On fur factory farms around the world, millions of rabbits, foxes, mink and other wild animals spend their entire lives in cramped and bad cages, only to be gassed or electrocuted at the end. Think about their lives, they matter too.


Manuela Fera

I am FOR using animal fur and you might think I am so cruel but think about it if we are going to eat the meat of the animal we might as well use all of it and use the fur along with the meat. But if we were not going to eat the meat then we shouldn't use the fur just for clothing.


Cruz Ferres

I think it should be okay to wear animal clothing just as long if the animal died to be eaten or had a disease, there is no reason to kill an animal unless you are going to eat it, it has a disease or it is a danger, say if someone went hunting and shot a deer a good thing to do with that deer is to eat it and the skin you can turn into a blanket or clothing.

I will say one more time I don't want animals being killed for no reason there is no need! If you're confused I'm with wearing animal fur but only if it was killed for other uses.


Lily Gerrand

Why would you want to hurt animals just for a piece of clothing which you would only probably wear once? Why would you rather skin or take the fur from an animal rather than just not wear it? You don't want an innocent animal's life in your hands do you? Why would you want something that is just from an animal that died so you can have a rug or a couch or a piece of clothing?


Annie Graffeo

Today I will be telling you why using animal fur is good and will help the environment.

Firstly animal fur is completely biodegradable and it only takes around a little less than three months to decompose. Also it's good because it's just a big circle of life because once it's made then it decomposes the sheep , then eats it and then the cycle starts again.


Secondly, animal fur is good for the sheep because in summer and sometimes even winter the sheep can overheat and this shave will help them stay hopefully at a good temperature. Also, sheep fur is about 7.2 pounds and I think if I was a sheep, I would not like 7.2 pounds of my body.


Thirdly, wool is very warm which is good for an environmentally friendly product. This is good because it's helping us stay warm and the sheep stay cool. Also, it's breathable which always helps.


In conclusion, sheep fur has all the things you need in clothing, it's biodegradable, breathable, warm, and helps the sheep! That's why you should choose wool.


Henry Kidman

I am against animal fur for clothes. I only agree with wool though because that can grow back. I think that using geese feathers or duck feathers for clothing or any other things that require feathers. Worst of all is LEATHER! Instead of letting it live without feathers or wool the cows are KILLED FOR IT. You can't just skin a cow and expect the skin to grow back. That's like cutting a human and expecting the wound to heal in a matter of seconds. Animal clothes are WRONG... Unless it's fur because sheep grow it back and they actually like being sheared sometimes.


Noah Mackintosh

In all honesty I think that things like killing cows for leather is bad but another half of me thinks that it's all part of the circle of life because these animals are not bred so they can have a happy life. They are bred for a very specific reason, and that reason is for them to have another baby cow that will grow up to become a nice steak, belt or shoe. So, the world might not be that much of a happy place for everyone including all pigs, cows, sheep, ducks and geese, but these things make some people happy. For example what would Gordan Ramsey do if there was no pork, steak, duck or geese in the world? Being one of the best chefs in the world he would be very unhappy if all the world leaders decided to state a new law saying that all pigs, sheep, cows, ducks and geese can have happy lives and do whatever they want and be free into the wild. In conclusion, this is the circle of life and there is not much people can do to change it.


Sophie Napolitano

Do you really want poor little animals to be shaved and or killed just to make one stupid little puffer jacket? Because I say NO! Every year around 50 billion animals suffer for someone to have a purse. Just think about it for a second, would YOU want to be made into a leather jacket or a crocodile skin purse? What have the animals done to you? So join millions of people and say stop animal fur!!!


Gabrielle Noonan

I personally think that animals do supply us with lovely, warm, fashionable clothing. But I also think that it isn't what I'd call off-the-charts kindness to kill an animal for your own personal benefit... and the latest item of clothing. What would you prefer? A healthy, living animal, or a nice jacket? A world with nice clothes that pollute the ocean every time they are washed, or a world with animals free and roaming the land? Is it really that hard of a decision? Think, every time a cow is killed, they are turned into either a rug, a jacket, or maybe some shoes. They're nice while they last, but then once they're out of fashion, out to landfill it goes! Then what? I'll let you decide what will happen next... make the right decision, the animals are counting on you.


Giulia Nucci

I think that we should not use animal fur because it's harmful to animals. If it's the fur from the sheep I understand maybe because they are hot in the summer but not other animals like geese and cows.  With leather, there are chemicals which are very toxic and bad. It's also the skin of a living thing that has to get killed to use their skin. We should not be using animal skin for clothing. Also, sheep are sweet and sensitive. It would be very depressing if you killed an animal just for their skin. If you want animal skin you have to kill the animal.


Dylan O'Flynn

Do you like Ducks? Of course you do, they are adorable so why are you letting them die just for clothing? It's not just ducks, it's sheep, cows and geese and they're dying too and one of them could be your favorite animal, or you just like them. The sheep are different. You don't kill them but  you shear them and that's just cruel. That's why you should not kill or shear animals for their fur so you can get clothing and if that hasn't convinced you then I don't know what can.


Monique Panozzo

Okay okay, I'm against using animal fur but some people have a problem with using animal fur too but they're fine with eating its meat like that doesn't make sense if wool grows back don't you agree with me. There's lots of different materials in the world that are not sustainable.


Aston Shevlin

For me I think it is a good idea, First of all, if we don't want to kill animals for their fur, feathers or skin we can wait until they decease, Also many animals are killed for their meat, so we should do what cavemen did, before we cook or kill them take their fur, feathers or skin off then we get food and clothes, surely we are more evolved than cavemen, aren't we? 


Reason number two, although people make a lot of money from producing clothes taking animal fur, feathers or skin is much cheaper, better for the environment, and easier for people to afford, although many people will think it is disgusting to make clothes out of animals it is actually very convenient. 


And for my conclusion, overall using animal skin or fur or whatever covers them is more convenient, cheap and better for the environment, I would confidently say that more than half of your wardrobe is non-biodegradable and once you grow out of them or they get worn out you put it in the bin and as it goes into another crater in the ground you should think, "wouldn't it be easier to chuck it in the garden"?


Joshua Song

I think animal fur is not good for clothing, since it is only natural and not as efficient as nanofibers, D3o, and many other things. With multi-use protection clothes, we can expand to a DNA engineering state. But with only animal furs, it is not compendial. With radiation protection and micro oxygen factories, it can come in for space flight, or even brain signal transmitters for us traveling at tachyon speeds. After quintillions of years, we could make strange matter-proof clothing and even dimension traveling clothing which makes hyper-spheres of universal portaling. With cloneable scans, even 10 to the power of 1000000 layers of animal fur is nothing compared to Dimension-tech. Plus some animals we kill for fur are kind of cute, like polar bears. So instead of wearing stupid cavemen standard stuff, why not reach beyond the Multialidy of Nuclidimentionation age?


Charlie Spear

Killing animals to use their fur is cruel. Just  thinking of it makes me feel bad for all the innocent animals getting slaughtered for fashion and designers to make money. I think it should be banned and we should rally to make it become illegal. How would you feel if your pet was slaughtered for money and fashion?


Benjamin Whittle

I think we should use animal fur or skin for clothing because it is biodegradable. The animals have died anyway because we ate them, so we should have put the skin to good use so that they died for more reasons, and it could make a few people feel better.


Gabriella Wiatr

I think animal skin should not be used for clothing because it will harm and destroy our environment. Also, animals are the next smartest things and they deserve a good life. Animals have done nothing wrong to us so why do we need to kill them? The animal's lives are very important and also do you see a piece of clothing looking at an animal?


Charles Wiggins

In my opinion, I do not believe in relying heavily on the use of animal skin and fur for clothing.             


Firstly, having too many animals destroys land which is important for animals that live in trees and environments that have a lot of birdlife.  By using animal skins you increase the animal numbers which cause methane levels in the atmosphere. This will damage the earth's shield that will contribute to climate change problems to our planet.  


Secondly, animal cruelty is a serious problem and we should respect their rights also. We should also educate people that animals are just as important as we are on this planet. Finally, we have a chance to think carefully about how we want to live better and leave our planet in a good shape for my generation and the future.