Principal's News

Week 6 Updates and Reflection


Dear Families,

It was certainly confronting to read the ever-growing list of exposure sites, and many so close to home. I hope you are all ok and we send our love to those families who may now be in isolation due to Tier 1 or 2 exposure. We pray for the safety of all in our community and for those across the country who are doing it really tough at the moment.

Many local councils are offering parenting/wellbeing workshops or webinars, and I thank members of staff who have sent through some links to share with our school community. You do not have to reside in these council areas to register, with the bonus that many of the sessions are free of charge:


Through Stonnington Council:

Moving kids from anxiety to resilience

Dr Jodi Richardson leads this webinar that empowers parents, educators and other professionals with practical skills and techniques for maximising wellbeing and overcoming anxiety.

Topics covered:

  • The difference between normal anxiety and an anxiety disorder.
  • Signs and symptoms of anxiety.
  • How to respond to a highly anxious child.
  • Practical skills to regulate anxious feelings.
  • Overcoming avoidance e.g. school refusal.
  • When and where to seek professional help.

Jodi is a speaker and educator dedicated to elevating the mental health and wellbeing of others. Jodie’s latest book is Anxious Mums How mums can turn their anxiety into strength (2020).

When: Thursday 26 August 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm



Maroondah Council:

A variety of online parenting sessions:


Boroondara Council:

Event details: Riding the Coronacoaster

"Navigating the reality of remote school work, prolonged family time and uncertainty about what happens creates tough times for many. For families not used to this much time together, irritability and tempers may flare. Learn strategies and tips to create calm, connected and respectful interactions, and promote wellbeing and mental health for all. Dr Michael Carr-Gregg is one of Australia's highest-profile psychologists working in all forms of media. A successful author, speaker, broadcaster and mental health advocate."



Remember that we are here if you need any additional support during this time. Thank you to all staff who are working incredibly hard in the background on supporting students and families across the school.

School Review 2021- A Celebration! 

What an absolute joy to be involved in the final review session with Judi Hanke today, where she gave her feedback and recommendations for future directions. In addition to all staff members attending, we were also delighted to have Tony Levett (leadership consultant) and Madeleine Kelly (teaching and learning consultant) join us for the session, both of whom are from the Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools. I could not have been happier with Judi's insights and feedback; her affirmation of the work of the whole school community (staff and parents) in driving excellence for our children was warmly received and celebrated during the session. Wow! Well done to the incredible team at St Joseph's in building what Judi described as a 'high performing school'. I am super proud!


Here are the key strengths of our school, as identified through the review process:


Judi will be meeting with the School Advisory Council on Tuesday evening to share her findings and recommendations. As the year progresses, we will take the recommendations of the review and develop the School Improvement Plan for the next four years. Onwards and upwards, but also time to stop and smell the roses!


Request Form for Onsite Attendance

If you require your child to attend school, and your circumstances fit the criteria for attendance, please complete the following form as soon as possible:

Please note that if you are an essential worker, and no other child care arrangements can be made, we now need a copy of your work permit. Please send this via email to

Thank you for your cooperation with this.



From Mrs Davies:

RAINBOW CLUB is starting next week! Please see notes in the newsletter and on DOJO about what it is. I am looking forward to welcoming anyone who would like to join in some fun, pressure-free time to connect with our school community! Let me or your classroom teacher know if you think your child would benefit from joining this optional Club:

Thanks Mahla!

Junior Swimming Program

Unfortunately, we will not be in a position to re-schedule the Prep-2 swimming program and your Term 4 fee statement will show a credit for the program. If we are able, we will still try and fit in a final session for the 3s-6s, as this was the life-saving element of the program.

Preps 2022

We have decided to go ahead with individual online meetings with our 2022 preps and parents/ guardians. Whilst late in the year, we know that many families who were on the original enrolment list have changed circumstances and we have held off until our list was almost finalised. 

Isabelle is busy sending out the meeting links so please make sure you have booked your session. Information and link for booking from Isabelle:

Alternatively, please visit and enter the school booking code cbb4e

Should you be unable to attend any of the sessions offered, please contact the school office on 9597 6300 to make alternative arrangements.


Our Teddy Bear's Picnic was due to take place on September 9th, but we have pushed this back by one week to September 16th in the hope this can be onsite. If that is not possible, we will schedule a remote picnic as we did last year.

I am very much looking forward to meeting our new prep cohort!

Mary Poppins Jr- Will the Show Go On?

Of course!

Ms Sinker is busy with online rehearsals as we speak. We have a suite of alternative plans in place, should covid restrictions impact our 'Plan A'. 

One important thing to note is that it is looking highly unlikely that we can go ahead with the original dates in October, and MP jr will most likely be a late November show. I will let you all know when we have confirmation of the alternatives dates and associated arrangements.

I congratulate our senior students, especially those in lead roles, for epitomising the phrase "The Show Must Go On!"


Sport4All- Stonnington Council

A huge thank you to Tanya Huebner (Y5 teacher and inter-school sports coordinator) for beginning our partnership in this pilot project with Stonnington Council.  

Tanya recently met with Jeremy O'Sullivan, the Spor4All Program Coordinator & Inclusion Coach for the City Of Stonnington. The City of Stonnington is one of 6 local councils selected to host this pilot program, aimed at increasing Inclusion in schools' PE and sports programs and has been initiated by Dylan Alcott.

The purpose of Sport4All is to increase our confidence and capability to be able to welcome and include more people with disabilities in every aspect of PE sessions or sports programs.  

Jeremy explained how vital it is to be inclusive of people with disabilities since he worked as a sighted guide for his teammate Shaun Pianta, a Paralympic skier with low vision. You can find out more about Shaun and Jeremy's journey at:

As part of the program, and with the Paralympics about to begin, Tanya is organising a pen pal project, where the students in 3-6 will write letters to Paralympic athletes. 

We are very excited to watch this valuable initiative unfold at St Joseph's. Thanks Tanya and Jeremy!

First Holy Communion Dates

Fr Alan is currently trying to organise alternative dates for First Holy Communion- not an easy task given the very tight restrictions in place. He will make contact with families as soon as things are finalised and I thank you for your patience with this.


Wishing you all some rest and relaxation over the coming weekend and there is a definite sense of spring being in the air. I shared this David Hockney artwork exactly one year ago- who would have thought it would still be as pertinent in 2021?

Take care,
