From the Principal

Confidence, Independence, Persistence, Resilience, Respect 

Dear IPS Community,


Welcome to Book Week. It has been fabulous to see and hear that lockdown has not stopped the enthusiasm of the school's staff and community from engaging with lots of exciting teaching and learning.  Please have a look at the student voice page to see some of what our students have been up to.


Foundation students have been participating in "Looking After Our Pets Day". Here is a procedural piece from Oscar Mc, one of our superstars in FM. There are a few people in metro Melbourne who could learn something from this instructional video. 


If you have something you think the community might enjoy please send it to our newsletter email  for it to be considered for inclusion. 

Please be aware of music copyright on original recordings.

I would very much like to thank our essential workers. Particulary those that work in health care for looking after all of us. The few children that must come to school are doing their best, supervised by our skeleton crew of staff and teachers. It was lovely to see them outside doing their bit to keep our school garden alive for when everyone returns.


On Tuesday, the students onsite got outside and enjoyed gardening; planting some yummy carrots and celery in our garden beds. We can’t wait to harvest and taste them… in about 8 weeks.

Book Week

On the Bookweek Page you'll find the updates for the online events including Author Visits, a Dress Up Day (if you haven't got a costume then wear your pyjamas), a communal video invitation, Door Design competition and a School Book Read tomorrow afternoon.

Get active!

Ms O'Connor and Mrs Blanas are posting to School DoJo ideas to get active and stay fit during lockdown, so keep your eyes open for their suggestions. Here's one to try when you are out walking.


While it's not raining it is time to head out for a sensory walk, ride or scoot again!🚶🏾‍♀️🚴🏼‍♀️🤸


Today your challenge will be to listen for sounds. 🙉🐦

Hear a bird - jump 10times.🐕

Hear a dog - run on the spot 10 sec.🚍 Hear a bus - 10 squats🏞

Hear water running - 10 high kicks🚗Hear a car horn - 10 scissor jumps.


What other sounds might you hear on your walk. 

Make your own list and movements and share them with us.


You could come up with your own list of things and actions for your walk. Enjoy!

School Events - Take note of these dates

Father's Day Stall 3rd of September. 

The PFA are once again running the annual Father’s Day Stall.

 PFA is calling for volunteers to run the stall. 


*Please see the flyers on the Community Page regarding updates on any postponed or cancelled events as they become available. The PFA and staff are looking forward to seeing you all on as many occasions as possible.


As part of our commitment to learning catch up and extension there is now  a page dedicated to tips to help your child learn. Not all will be relevant to your child or your circumstances, but if you find just a few ideas to help you help your child engage with their learning then it will have been worth it.


Last year I attended a mental health first aid program.  Basically looking at the importance of looking after yourself so you can better look after others. The attachment is just the four page workbook that  encourages reflection on habits and barriers to thriving.  It might be useful to you or someone you know.

Have a fabulous day.


Mark Kent



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Please read the School Fair News page in this edition of "Inside Ivanhoe".