This term, we ran a very successful Engagement Festival for year 9 students for the first time. Many students were reluctant at the start because they weren’t sure what to expect, but fully embraced the experience once they were immersed in it.

The week was planned in response to student feedback and Attitudes to School survey data. The week provided opportunities for students to build connections with each other, to their school and teachers and be exposed to experiences aimed to enhance their wellbeing. At MESC we are committed to enhancing the student experience and embracing a holistic education of our young people, building their personal strengths as well their academic ones.

Students participated in workshops such as mental health advocates Speak and Share, African Drumming and Yoga. They spent a day at Golden Valleys where they experienced activities such as archery, leap of faith, rock climbing, hut building and flying fox to name a few. There was also a catered lunch for students on this day.  Staff also volunteered their time to run activities such as knitting, monotype printing, narrative therapy using clay and stencil graffiti.

The final two days of the festival were the most surprising. Students spent one day preparing a workshop on something they are passionate about and wish we as teachers (and oldies) knew about and spent the second day teaching us via their presentations. The energy on the final day was buzzing and as a staff we were super proud and impressed with what the students managed to deliver. Well done Year 9!

Here are some photos of the week.


Year 9 Individuals and Societies students wowed their teachers with their Biomes-in-a-Box assessment. What has become a rite-of-passage at Year 9, students crafted their dioramic biomes to be worthy of display at the Melbourne Museum. 

A biome is a geographic area that has within it multiple ecosystems. By making a shoebox model of a biome, students explore the complex ecosystems of forest, freshwater, marine, grassland, taiga, tundra or desert. Students investigated their biome, the animals who have adapted to inhabit these ecosystems and how humans have adjusted to co-exist with the local environment – or - how they have trampled these fragile systems. In addition, they have used artistic and natural materials to create a realistic depiction of their chosen biome. 

In the image we can see biomes constructed by Avalee (9B), Emily  (9B), Bonnie  (9E), Milla  (9G) Mia  (9H), Charly  (9H), Hayley (9H)  and Sirinya  (9H).