Tutoring & MYLNS

This week the Literacy Support and MYLNS teams have started to finalize our lists of students that we will be supporting in 2023.
Year 7 and 8 Literacy Support
Year 7 and 8 parents will receive an emailed communication if we feel that your child would benefit from some extra literacy support. We base our decision on your child's PAT testing data and teacher recommendations. Children invited to receive Literacy Support will have an email sent home via Compass. By accepting the invitation ,we can start supporting your child as soon as possible.
Each child will be removed from class once a week to attend a Literacy Support session with one of our amazing tutors Natalie, Nicole or Hayley. The class will be the same time each week in the Literacy and MYLNS Support classroom next to the Resource Centre. Year 7 and 8 Literacy Support classes are small with no more than 5 students. Each child will receive an explicit , individual targeted approach to their specific learning needs (based o their specific testing data) to support them.
Year 10 MYLNS - Literacy and Numeracy Support
Year 10 MYLNS students will be contacted in the next week to discuss their specific learning plans and how we can best support them with their literacy and numeracy in 2023.
Please make contact by email with either Mrs. Burke, Mr. Frost or Mr. Bihelek if we can answer any further questions.
nicole.burke@education.vic.gov.au Year 7 and 8 Literacy Support
craig.frost@education.vic.gov.au MYLNS - Middle Years Literacy Support (Year 10)
scott.bihelek@education.vic.gov.au MYLNS - Middle Years Numeracy Support (Year 10)
Thanks you for your time,
Nicole Burke
Literacy Leader