Principal Introduction

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
Term 1 2023 has been an outstanding term with the College experiencing success in a range of areas. Most notably was the student engagement and performance on the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). We are incredibly proud of the way our students approached this assessment and how the students gave their best effort.
This term our sport teams have represented our College with pride and enthusiasm with outstanding performance in the pool, at cricket, basketball and softball. Many of our teams have progressed to district and state finals and we are always excited to be able to support students to be successful. Next term will see the athletics carnival allow all students the opportunity to participate and compete.
Our College production – Legally Blonde is in full swing with rehearsals taking place in term 1. Our students are incredibly passionate about the performing arts and sharing their talents and passions with the broader EMC community. I can strongly recommend that you take time out of your busy schedule to embrace the College production and purchase tickets for family and friends.
The iCAN Challenge has once again been incredibly well supported by the entire Langwarrin community. With over 300 walkers conquering the 50km and at the time of writing, raised $219,591 for the Good Friday Appeal. This is a truly unique event, that has now raised more than $680,000. It is a testament to the Langwarrin community and reaffirms the goodwill, heart and empathy that we all hold for the Royal Childrens Hospital and the amazing work that they do supporting the youngest and most vulnerable children in our community.
As a college, in 2023 we have turned our attention to the academic achievement of our students. In 2022 we had a significant improvement in our VCE performance data and expect to see similar improvement in the 2023 NAPLAN and VCE results. With this in mind we have started to train our staff in the literacy strategies associated with the 3L language and Literacy for learning program. These explicit skills will support all students to become successful readers and writers. If your student hasn’t yet been exposed to the ideas such as nominalisation, the language register, functional grammar, cause and effect noun groups, they will be throughout this year, and I encourage to start having conversation with them around these evidence based strategies.
At the start of this year I wrote to you about the importance of attendance, students cannot develop their academic skills if they are not at school. We continue to prioritise student attendance and continue to work proactively with families to improve student attendance.
- The College wants to work in partnership with parents and carers – act early if you have any concerns by contacting the College and asking for advice and support.
- Remember that every day counts.
- There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes and their social connectedness.
- Talk positively about school and the importance of attending every day.
- Open and prompt communication with the College about your child’s absences is a good idea.
- Avoid making routine medical and dental appointments during the school day or planning family holidays during the term.
- Seek help from the College if you are concerned about your child’s attendance and wellbeing. The College wants to work in partnership with parents to support student attendance and wellbeing.
I have also sent through two reminders today about the Mobile Phone and Dress Code policies. When students attend school and adhere to our policies it creates opportunities for teachers and leaders to address and support student learning and not be distracted by breaches of these policies. In partnership with parents and carers we can support the young people of Langwarrin to access successful pathways and careers, through the support of the College policies.
This term we have continued our focused work on creating ‘good humans’ with programs across all years levels including:
- Man Cave
- Flourish Girl
- Pat Cronin foundation
These programs all have the same key message at their heart – Respect. In partnership with parents and carers we are endeavouring to teach the students of EMC that respect is the foundation of all great relationships. And when we cultivate a respect for ourselves, for others and our environment, we create an environment where everyone develops a deep sense of belonging, connection and safety, and ultimately they are more likely to succeed at school. I hope during the break you can take some time out to have an honest and empowering conversation with your student about the characteristics of respect, and help build a deep understanding of the behaviours that demonstrate respect for self, others and the environment.
I would like to wish everyone a wonderful Easter break, if you are travelling, please take your time and make sure you are safe on the roads.
Kind regards,
Dean King