Year 4 Urban Gardening

This article is written by the Awesome Apples: Audrey, Kayin, Lara, Leo and Lua from 4Z.
Our group did weeding and mulching. We put mulch into buckets and filled in the holes near the Year 6 classrooms to help prevent students from injuring themselves.
A few weeks later we did composting and we learnt that you need 5 main things in your compost bin: fruit, vegetables, paper, cardboard and water.
This article is written by the Golden Gardeners: Alessandra, Alex, Issac, Kate and Yu Ting from 4B.
We planted a whole bunch of seedlings, we had to be careful that we didn't squish any plants. We shredded recycled paper and put it into the worm farm and we turned the soil in the worm farm.
We pulled out weeds from the garden beds and watered all the plants. We got hay out of a bag and scattered it in the garden beds and then we watered it in.
Tomatoes Zucchinis