
Nude Food
Nude Food Tuesdays were back this Tuesday on April the 4th.
The winning class was 1D and have won a game run by the Year Six Sustainability Leaders.
Our next Nude Food Tuesday will be on May the 2nd.
Earth Hour
On Friday the 24th of March we celebrated Earth Hour! The hour encourages individuals, schools, businesses and communities to switch off their lights to help limit the amount of electricity used, helping minimise the Earth’s carbon footprint.
Students discussed in their class why it is important to look after the Earth and what they could do to use less electricity at school and at home.
In their classes they went outside and made 'Nature Mandalas' and took part in activities designed by the Year Six Sustainability Leaders including an Earth Hour word search.
Biodiversity Audit
By Harva, Sebastian, Jules and Ollie
On Friday the 31st of March, 4Z did a Biodiversity Audit with Claire from Resource Smart. We walked around the school discovering different bugs, birds, trees, plants and more.
Harva: I found out there was one hundred and four big trees around the whole school.
Sebastian: I found there were hundreds upon hundreds of rocks and logs for animals to live under.
Jules: I found out that there are hundreds upon thousands of different types of bushes in the school.
Ollie: I went around the school finding insects, birds and much more.
After the audit we talked about what we wanted to add or improve to the school. We decided to add more bird nests, bird baths, trees that birds can eat off and native plants.
Thank you so much to Resource Smart for making our day fun and enjoyable!