Student of The Week Awards Week 10 

Congratulations to all our SOTW Award Recipients!

Monday 3rd April 2023- Week 10


Student Name

For Demonstrating

Award Details


Will Magee

A Love of Learning and Leadership

Will has been such a great all-rounder in the classroom this term. He is kind to his classmates, enthusiastic during all sessions, and takes on his classroom jobs with such dedication. He especially enjoyed working with length this week, measuring his classmates' heights, pieces of paper, and play-doh worms. We are so impressed with you Will!


Billy White


Congratulations to Billy, who has displayed leadership in Foundation E. Billy has shown fantastic listening during class time and has demonstrated excellent focus during challenging tasks. Well done, Billy!


Georgia Cox

Love of Learning

Georgia is a very organised student who always works conscientiously to complete all activities. She loves to present work that is neat and colourful. Georgia listens carefully to teacher instruction and participates in class discussions. She works extremely well in small group learning tasks. Keep up your fantastic attitude to learning Georgia!


Angus Ray

Love of Learning

Angus has demonstrated a positive attitude to all class activities. He has contributed interesting thoughts during our Circle Time sessions and enjoys building on others’ contributions. When learning about celebrations, Angus was able to share his experience of Thanksgiving Day. Keep up the wonderful work Angus!


Charlie Whitehead


Charlie has demonstrated wonderful perseverance with his learning this term. During our class discussions he is always a willing contributor and has a go even if he is unsure. Charlie enthusiastically completes his learning tasks to a high standard and never gives up!!  Charlie should be very proud of his achievements, keep up the fantastic work.



Saxon Scukovic


Saxon blew the class away last week by trying his hardest to be focused and do his best work. He was able to comprehensively answer all of his reading comprehension questions in Reading Rotations. He always made sure to sit somewhere he would be able to listen and had a great attitude to the work we were doing. I am so impressed with this very mature approach to learning and Saxon should be proud. Keep it up!   


Zara Miller


Zara is a caring and kind member of 2P. She ensures all other students feel welcome and safe in our room and is a thoughtful and supportive friend. What a pleasure it is to share in the joy Zara brings to 2P. 


Sebi Thomas


Sebi is a wonderful and kind member in our class. He is helpful towards others and always a willing participant. Sebi can be counted on to give compliments to his classmates and boost their confidence. We are so lucky to have you in 4Z Sebi! Keep it up!


Sally Every

Love of learning

Sally has shown great enthusiasm this week during our Data & Graphing sessions in Maths. Sally has successfully researched the weather of Melbourne and the Gold Coast, collected a table of data, created a number of different graphs and compared the results. I have been especially impressed by Sally’s teamwork skills and ability to create a neat graph. 


Hayden Dodd


Hayden impressed his whole class this week during our debating unit. Hayden and his team worked incredibly hard to write fantastic speeches, convincing us why electronic games are not better than board games. Hayden spoke with confidence, had strong arguments and even included some great rebuttals. Brilliant work Hayden! 


Ollie Streager


Ollie is commended for the immense kindness and support he has shown towards his peers. He is always respectful and considerate of others and is a wonderful role model for other students at BRPS. Well Done, Ollie!


Lachlan Cole


Lachlan was a fantastic participant on camp. He displayed a wonderful attitude and was an enthusiastic participant in all activities throughout the three days.  

Well done Lachlan, I hope you enjoyed your time up in Canberra!