Principal's Report

Hello BRPS Community,
As Term 1 comes to an end I would like to take the time to wish everyone a safe and relaxed Easter holiday break. The first term was incredibly successful with students from across the school have completed an amazing range of curriculum-based, extra-curricular and sporting activities throughout the term. Our Foundation students have successfully completed their first ever school term and settled in wonderfully. Congratulations to all staff and community members for supporting the amazing outcomes for our students.
Retirement - Jayne Timms
It is with great sadness that I officially announce Black Rock Primary's worst kept secret - after demonstrating a tremendous commitment to the school community over 30+ years our amazing Assistant Principal will be retiring from our school early next term.
Jayne's final day at school will be Friday 12th May (Week 3). Early next term I will provide information about farewell and thank you opportunities.
Easter Parade
What an incredible array of Easter hats were on display at the parade this morning. There were hats of all shapes and sizes, showcasing the incredible talents of the students and parents of Black Rock Primary.
The "mankey" rabbit tried to outdo the Easter Bunny which resulted in an "egg off" and an egg and spoon race - won by the Easter Bunny of course!
With great anticipation the students listened to the Raffle prizes. Congratulations to all of our winners and a huge thank-you to everyone who donated prizes, the majority of which will be donated to the "Southern Family Life" charity to support those that are in greater need than ourselves at this time of the year.
What a terrific way to celebrate the end of Term 1.
Regional Swimming Championships
Congratulations to Zahra H (butterfly), Ava P (freestyle), Eloise A (backstroke) and Zali G (breaststroke) who competed in the Open Medley Relay at the Regional Swimming at Yawa Swim Centre Rosebud on Monday 3rd April. As the only government school competing, the team put in a magnificent performance achieving 3rd place. Well done team, we're very proud of your efforts!
Year 6 Canberra Camp
Congratulations and well done to our Year 6 students as they enjoyed a brilliant week in Canberra. As well as visiting the significant sites and gaining a greater appreciation for the development of Australia as a democratic nation, the students should be incredibly proud of themselves and the resilience they developed and demonstrated through what was an action-packed trip.
I would like to sincerely thank the Year 6 teachers, Chris Badman, Adam Littlehales and Cass Morgan, as well as Jayne Timms, Sarah Hogan, Steph Burns and Rachael Baker, for the outstanding organisation of the trip and supporting and caring for the students whilst being away from home and their loved ones.
Student Free Days
Curriculum Days
We have two remaining curriculum days this year, both of which will be student-free. They are taking place on:
- Monday 24th April - This is the first day of Term 2 and is followed by the ANZAC Day Public Holiday on Tuesday 25th April. The first day of Term 2 for students will therefore be Wednesday 26th April.
- Monday 6th November - The day before the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Teacher Professional Practice Days - What are the professional practice days?
The Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2022 provides teachers with three professional practice days in 2022, two professional practice days in 2023 and one professional practice day in 2024 and beyond.
What this means for your child…
On Friday 2nd June all BRPS teachers will be provided with release from their scheduled duties (all duties which would have been otherwise scheduled, including teaching) to focus on the improved delivery of high-quality teaching and learning. Your child will not be required at school on this day.
In the second semester (Term 3 & 4) your child’s teacher will spend one day (total) further developing their skills in areas that are aligned with the school priorities. Your child will have a CRT on this day. Whilst these days are not student-free, BRPS teachers typically take these days in year-level teams to work collaboratively.
2024 Foundation Enrolments
Our 2024 Foundation Information night will be held in the first week of Term 2, on Wednesday 26th April. School Tours will take place weekly from Weeks 1-5. If you are aware of any families that are seeking a school for next year please direct them to our website for information about these events and the enrolment process. Sibling enrolments for Foundation 2024 will open on Monday 24th April.
2023 School Concert
Our 2023 School Concert is scheduled in Term 3 on Thursday 31st August. The concert will be held at Robert Blackwood Theatre, Monash University, and will involve a matinee and evening performance.
Whilst I understand previous productions were large scale and exceptionally high quality, they also required students to be out of the classroom for substantial periods of time, had a large financial cost and required significant out of hours time from staff which we now are required to pay back with Time in Lieu (adding to the learning and financial impact). This year, the concert will reflect a more balanced approach, providing students with the opportunity to develop and showcase talents, parents to enjoy and engage, and ensuring other curriculum areas can be focused on.
We have a committed team of teachers who are working on the development of the concert with further information to be provided in Term 2.
Black Rock Blokes - Donation
Thank you to the Black Rock Blokes group who recently donated an incredibly generous $7,800 to the school, raised from various community events held over the past couple of years, including the football match against Sandringham PS.
The donation will contribute to the purchase of a pump upgrade for the oval irrigation to be more efficient and support the ongoing health of the lush green grass!
I hope you have a wonderful term break.
Sam Tyndall