District Cross Country

On Friday the 12th of May the Eureka District Cross Country was held at Ballarat High School. With a curriculum day at school, only the passionate went to compete against other schools and improve their results from previous years.


With the primary schools having their races in the morning, secondary students were able to show support for their younger neighbours. Meg Lyons was the first to get the secondary schools started, in the 12–13Y/O Girls age group. Meg put in a valiant effort, which resulted in an 11th  place finish. Not bad with over 40 students in the race!

Meanwhile, Tom Grant was able to pull off 2nd place for the boys in the same age group, while Baxter White was a standout, improving on the previous year’s results. Other incredible performances include Annie Kehoe, Billy and Harry Welsh, and Tom Lyons who were all able to finish top three in their age group. Many other students also finished in the top 15, progressing them through to the Greater Western Region Cross Country in Warrnambool, on Monday the 29th of May. Congratulations to all students who participated. It was a successful day all-round for BSC. A massive thank you to all the parents who came to support our students.