Meet Our College Captains for 2023

Mary Loar - Pride and Culture Captain
Hi everyone, my name is Mary Loar and I am the Pride and Culture captain of Epping Secondary College of 2023.
I’ve got interests which range from writing and reading poetry, indulging in a wide range of musical genres, reading, film, activism, art and finally spending time with friends and family. These hobbies have expanded my expressionism, and have inspired me to further explore the horizons of my existence and those around me.
As the Pride and Culture captain, I find great pleasure in being able to use my position to give voice and access to administration. Providing insight to topics and issues that co-exist within the school and day to day life, and to those who have similar lived experiences to me - more specifically reserved student’s and individuals. Affirming to be prideful and confident of not only our school community, but themselves.
Natalie Bourke - Creative and Performing Arts Captain
Hi, my name is Natalie Bourke and I am the Creative and Performing Arts Captain for 2023.
My personal interests include drawing, poetry, art, and music. I also partake in Ballroom and Latin dancing which I have competed in for over 11 years, as well as teaching it to the younger kids. These hobbies have helped me to grow as a person and have expanded my confidence.
Art has been a passion of mine ever since I was younger and you’ll typically find me helping out in the art rooms. I have also contributed towards various school productions and fundraisers. Providing insight into what art can achieve and has achieved in societal issues, and hopefully inspiring the younger year levels to partake in the VCE art classes as it’s still fun whilst helping to further teach and explore ideas.