Wellbeing Team

Ms Caruso & Ms Mitchell

Meet our Koorie Education Support Officer (KESO)


Koorie Education Support Officers (KESOs) are area-based professionals and members of the local Aboriginal community. They understand Aboriginal and Torres Strait culture as well as the history of the community, too. KESOs work alongside members of staff here at Gilgai Plains, particularly our Wellbeing team, and provide advice around how to create culturally inclusive learning environments and coordinate services and events that support engagement with the aim to ultimately improve outcomes for Koorie children and young people. Here at Gilgai Plains Primary School, we are lucky enough to have Penny Norris as our KESO.  Below is a little bit of information about Penny. 




Daily school attendance is important for all children and young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don't fall behind both socially and developmentally. Children  who regularly attend school and complete Year 12 or an equivalent qualification have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives. It is important that children develop habits of regular attendance at an early age.


Please see the attendance flyer below for more information!