School News
Classroom, Art, Sport, Music, French, Literacy, Numeracy and Wellbeing
School News
Classroom, Art, Sport, Music, French, Literacy, Numeracy and Wellbeing
Last Thursday we had our Year 3 to 6 House Athletics sports day. In typical Melbourne fashion we experienced all types of weather conditions on the day but this did not stop students running, jumping and throwing to the best of their abilities. Students had an enjoyable day competing against their friends. It was fantastic to see everyone having a go at every event with many students taking home placing ribbons for their efforts. We still have the high jump event to go, which will be completed during PE lessons.
The winning house will be announced at an upcoming assembly. We look forward to our Foundation to Grade 6 House Cross Country tomorrow.
Rupsy 4C, during the school holidays participated in the Croydon Junior Chess tournament. She had a very successful tournament rating in the top Under 10 players. Rupsy was a awarded with the popular "Logical Chess, Move by Move" book by Russian American Chess Author Irving Chernev.
Our coffee cart and TPS hot chocolate stand on the last day of term 1 was a great success! Our TPS community enjoyed coffee, hot chocolate and scrumptious home baked treats made by our grade 6 cohort. We also had a flash second hand uniform sale which proved to be very popular. Our next coffee cart morning is scheduled for Friday 23rd June.