Acting Principal's Message
School Vision: We provide a dynamic learning environment that engages and inspires students to achieve their personal best in an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation.
Acting Principal's Message
School Vision: We provide a dynamic learning environment that engages and inspires students to achieve their personal best in an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation.
A very big welcome back to all our students and families for term 2! It has been wonderful to hear about the holiday family adventures from the students whilst I’ve been visiting classrooms and out on yard duty.
We’ve had a great start to the term with students demonstrating our school expectations and values in the yard and classrooms.
To start off the term, a thoughtful and well-presented ANZAC day ceremony was held to mark the 107th anniversary of ANZAC. A wreath was laid under the flagpole, in memory of the men and women who gave their lives for the freedom that we enjoy today. The poem, “In Flanders Field” was also recited as part of the ceremony. We thank RSL member, Mr Peter Osbourne (RAN) who attended and was able to provide students with appropriate information about Gallipoli and the impact it had on Australia as a nation. Lest we forget. Well done to our school leaders who led the ceremony!
At the end of last term, we had many excited students as they auditioned for the school musical, The Lion King which will be held in the last week of term 3. Over 50 very keen and enthusiastic year four to year six students auditioned for the main parts. The casting staff were extremely impressed with the auditions and are finding the task of selecting the main characters very challenging. Additional auditions are being undertaken this term so that final selections can be made.
A reminder that although the official 'hats required' period has concluded, sun protection is still strongly recommended on days of high UV until the next compulsory hats period returns in September.
Our much anticipated Mother’s Day or significant other luncheon is being held on Friday 12th May and our amazing stall, where the students purchase gifts for their Mother/s or significant others, is being held on Thursday the 11th Of May.
We thank Jade Saunders (Samson 2A & Lenny 4B) and Michelle Stephen (Luella 3A, Hugo 2A & Sailor 0A) (Luncheon organisers) and Danielle Bodinnar and Ben Pearce (Charlie 0A & Isobel 2B) (stall organisers) for making these two events happen.
We look forward to a successful term with an open morning (Thursday 18th May), Education Week, Cross country, Bangers and Bingo (Fathering Project), and Gala days, to name a few events for this term.
Kind regards
Sharon Wildermuth
Acting Principal