Pupil of the week 

1 May 2023


Jamie L - for your astonishing writing on a duck going to a forest. Well done! 


Esme G - for your incredible dedication to learning your phonemes. You are a reading whiz? Keep up the incredible work.


Liam W - for working hard on your handwriting. Keep it up!

Bella L - for being a kind and caring class member who always looks out for her friends.


Toby H- For the great start you have made to term 2. You are really focused and ready to learn.

Ryder N- For the great Job completing all your Hot Words. Great Work!


Milla C: For demonstrating our Golden Rule ‘Treat others as you would like to be treated’, all through the day!

Evie H: For showing kindness through a willingness to include others and work with anyone.


Catherine J - for your outstanding work on doubles. You utilised your time well and set out your work perfectly. 

Max K - for your amazing writing piece on life and the world - you came up with 20 reasons and questions! A great effort.


Alice B- For doing your personal best in the Cross Country. Super effort Alice!

Abby S- For the wonderful job you did doing the doubles facts activity. Great work Abby!


Blake S - for showing great strength with your work habits and bravely sharing your ideas.

Cailin N -  for your persistence and hard work with your vertical addition during our maths lessons. Well done!


Kent W - for challenging himself with his spelling choices and including “sarcophagus” 

Ruby R - for noticing all the rubbish that had blown into the Garden and insisting on getting it picked up and binned!


Jemma B-A: for being honest, kind and considerate towards her peers and teachers

Harry L: for showing perseverance towards his learning, particularly in Maths. Keep it up!


Zoe D - for your amazing Partner Reading. You worked really hard to improve your fluency. Well done!

Sebastian L - for being an active participant in our class discussions. You keep us very entertained Seb! 


Amara B- for creating such vivid and interesting writing pieces during our writing seasons. Your ideas are incredible. Well done! 

Jackson M- for challenging yourself during Maths sessions and for your insightful contributions during our number talks. Well done!


Sara B for being an active participant in our class discussions. Keep up the great work!

River N for your awesome work creating a probability spinner using specific instructions. Great work! 


Ruby M - For continually demonstrating our Kalinda values 'Kindness, Respect and Resilience'. You should be incredibly proud of yourself!

Willow G - For being such an enthusiastic contributor during class discussions. You are always willing to share your ideas and listen thoughtfully to others.

Eloise L - For always working hard to achieve your personal best! You are such a diligent student - keep striving for greatness!  


Charlotte G - for showing incredible resilience when the going got tough at House Cross Country and finishing strongly.


Ryan P - For using excellent description in his snapshot writing piece and being a wonderful contributor to class discussions. 

Sophie M - For being a kind and caring classmate who always strives to do her best. Amazing work this term Sophie!


Inez.W- For your incredible attitude towards school life the last couple weeks. Well done!

Aidan.W- For always showing our Kalinda values to everyone in the class. You're a superstar Aidan!


Owen T - For showing incredible focus and determination in maths sessions. Super improvement Owen!


Kai W- for demonstrating great leadership skills and supporting the House Cross Country runners. 

Jace B- for always being so motivated to complete school work, especially after disruptions. 

Asher M- for being such a great supporter and spectator to all during our House Cross Country. 

LOTEStefan D -  for being focused and calm in Japanese and putting your hand up to ask relevant questions! Amazing work Stefan