Visual Arts

This term in Visual Arts, the students in Years Three and Four began learning about 'Op Art' (optical illusion art), using inspiration from op artist Bridget Riley. They learnt how images can give the illusion of hidden 3D objects, movement, shapes and patterns. The Year Three students will continue learning about Op Art by drawing an optical illusion of their hand. The students in Year Four will complete the final stage of their 3D papier mache donuts (inspired by pop artist Andy Warhol, which they started last term) and will continue with the painting and decorations of their pop art donuts. 


Students in Prep have started Term Two by learning about their local community during their Inquiry studies in class so this has been linked to their Visual Arts program. Students began by creating a 'neighbourhood' with tiny houses to represent each letter of their name. They then followed on by learning about 'collage' to create their own house, using different types of coloured paper and shapes. Students have been enjoying these art projects so far and we look forward to another busy and creative term in Visual Arts! 

                                                   Years Three and Four optical illusion art 

                                                       Year Four papier mache donuts 

                                                            Preps name neighbourhood

                                                  Preps working on their house collages

                                             Some completed house collages by Preps 





Students in Years 1 and 2 will work on a range of projects throughout Term 2, including clay sculpting, painting, and drawing. Students will continue to study the artwork of Mexican artist Leonora Carrington, and each student will make a clay sculpture of a fantastical animal inspired by Carrington's paintings and her children's books.



The initial stages of a clay fantasy animal
The initial stages of a clay fantasy animal


Fantastical animal
Fantastical animal


Fantastical animal in Clay
Fantastical animal in Clay


GRADE 5 & 6

Ms Popovic

Students in Grade 5 and 6 have started their habitat multi-media artworks in earnest. They have worked hard to complete a painted background of either an outback landscape (Grade 5) or a coral reef (Grade 6). Pupils have now started drawing wildlife to add into their scenes - these will be pained with paint sticks and then detailed with paint markers, before being glued onto the background. Looking forward to see these complex pieces at the exhibition at the end of the year!