Year 5 Report

Term 2 2023

Welcome back everyone to another busy, exciting Term. We hope you all had an enjoyable and safe break. 


This term in Reading we will be focusing on the skills and strategies that good readers use to help with decoding and comprehension. We have started by looking at summarising and will move on to critiquing, making connections and synthesising. Just a reminder that students need to be reading for half an hour each night and write it in their diary. 



Our writing genre in Term 2 is Realistic Narratives. We are currently working on both the planning stage and the editing stage of writing. This work will help students develop skills that will help them in all areas of writing in the future. We will work with students to choose topics of interest to them and work towards publishing their work for display at our Writer's Festival later in the term. 

Throughout the term we are partnering up with 1/2D and helping them to edit and publish their writing. This is a great opportunity for our students to interact with the younger students and share their knowledge. We had our first session in Week 2 which was a great success.

During our Word Study sessions we will continue to focus on areas such as word choice, sentence structure and author's craft.




We started this term with a quick unit on chance and probability where we looked at chance vocabulary and representing probability as a fraction. We have now moved on to our major unit, Addition and Subtraction. We will be looking at different strategies that the student can use to solve addition and subtraction problems. Some of the strategies will include: Take and Give, Round and Adjust, Break one Addend apart and Starting form the left to subtract. Towards the end of the unit we will use our new strategies to help us solve challenging maths tasks. The end of the term will see us touching on Transformations and Angles.



The term 2 Inquiry topic is Australian Colonies. We will investigate British settlement and life in the early colonies. We will investigate convicts, the gold rush, Eureka Stockade and Bush Rangers. We will end the unit with a focus on Federation.




  • School starts at 8.50am. We still have a lot of late comers. Being regularly late negatively affects learning.
  • Read each night for 30 minutes. Please record reading in students diaries so teachers can monitor the students reading.
  • 5/6 Camp. Notes have gone out. Please return as soon as possible if you wish to secure a spot.